I have Seasonic M12II EVO PSU 7 or 8 years old and still working good, few days ago some strange noise comes from my PC case and i find that comes from PSU fan, fan is definitely dead.
Now i have a problem to find any appropriate fan to replace current one, this PSU when is cold start from 2V fan and that is generaly problem, 99% of fans won't start on 2V because staring voltage is for most of them 5-7V, any suggestion where i can find any replacment fan for this PSU because i realy like this Seasonic, capacitors still looks like 0 days old after 7 years, quality is very good, and is stupid to spend money for new PSU because just of fan.
This is current fan in PSU and this one should be replaced, the bearings are bad and that is problem.
I test many of them, i have thermaltake, arctic,cooler master and etc.. all of this fans runs after 4,5V.
I found one no name which is run at 2.8V but this means when i start PC this fan won't start in PSU until PSU start incesing voltage and this means hotter.
One of solution is to connect PWM fan directly on motherboard but i don't like this, i mean PSU should control fan speed not mobo.
I have Seasonic M12II EVO PSU 7 or 8 years old and still working good, few days ago some strange noise comes from my PC case and i find that comes from PSU fan, fan is definitely dead.
Now i have a problem to find any appropriate fan to replace current one, this PSU when is cold start from 2V fan and that is generaly problem, 99% of fans won't start on 2V because staring voltage is for most of them 5-7V, any suggestion where i can find any replacment fan for this PSU because i realy like this Seasonic, capacitors still looks like 0 days old after 7 years, quality is very good, and is stupid to spend money for new PSU because just of fan.
This is current fan in PSU and this one should be replaced, the bearings are bad and that is problem.
I test many of them, i have thermaltake, arctic,cooler master and etc.. all of this fans runs after 4,5V.
I found one no name which is run at 2.8V but this means when i start PC this fan won't start in PSU until PSU start incesing voltage and this means hotter.
One of solution is to connect PWM fan directly on motherboard but i don't like this, i mean PSU should control fan speed not mobo.