Seasonic S12II 620 vs Corsair VS650 650 Watt PSU which is best

Avik Biswas

May 7, 2013
hi i am upgrading my old desktop to play new games, i was going to buy a new graphics card, but i think i might also upgrade my old psu as well,
here is my pc spec:
i5-2400, 4gb ram, 1 tb hard drive, intel dh61ww mobo, i-ball psu

i check toms psu report and they dont recommend i-ball, so i am planning to upgrade them for support decent graphics card, like radeon 7xxxx series,

Seasonic S12II 620

Corsair VS650 650 Watt PSU

i came across to this graphics card while searching flipkart, both of them have good reviews but cant decide which one is best and meet my requirements.

as for record, i use my pc for heavy tasking, and for a long period. most of the tasks are cpu extensive, like 3ds max, maya, unity and a lot.... as for gaming i love games like crysis series, halo, far cry, bioshock, medal of honor.....

so which one you guys recommend
I haven't tried any seasonic power supplies, so I won't comment on their quality. I can tell you however, that I have worked with over 30 Corsair PSUs, and never had one fail. IMHO there simply isn't a better PSU manufacturer. I actually broke a cable by accident, and they sent me a new one for free. It came packaged with a handwritten address. I think it speaks for the customer service when the multi-million dollar company will hand write your address on the package they are sending you because you messed up.

thnx, but flipkart is already giving a option of 30day replacement warranty and also 3 Years Corsair India Warranty

so i am not worried about customer service, especially i when if any problem happens flipkart will change it in 30 days...

Corsair is giving a 650 watt output while Seasonic is 620 output with much higher which one i should get?

I would go with the Corsair, they make high quality PSUs and it's cheaper. It's what I would choose.
The Seasonic S12II-620 Bronze uses higher quality Japanese capacitors, has 80 PLUS Bronze Efficiency Certification, is rated for 50°C and has better electrical performance than the Corsair VS650 that uses low quality Taiwanese capacitors, is unable to maintain a high enough efficiency to qualify for 80 PLUS Bronze, is rated for 40°C and has looser voltage regulation.

I agree, the 80 PLUS bronze is a benefit, that said, the Corsair PSU is stated to run at 85% efficiency, which makes it at a minimum 80PLUS Bronze, but more likely 80PLUS SILVER.As far as the rated temperature is concerned, I highly doubt he'll be operating the PSU in anything but ambient temp, i.e. 20°C, So that temp rating will make little difference overall.

What you don't realize is that the PSU is mounted inside of a computer case where the temperature is higher than room temperature and higher than the 23°C temperature used when testing for 80 PLUS Certification. The OP may live in a hot climate where the room temperature may get to over 30°C.

You'll never convince me that a Corsair VS Series PSU is better than a Seasonic S12II Bronze Series PSU. The Corsair VS Series can barely maintain 80 PLUS Standard efficiency. You need to look at the efficiency between 20% and 100% power draw levels to determine where the PSU would place within 80 PLUS levels. Don't blindly believe everything you read in the marketing hype (i.e. the "up to 85% efficiency" claim is only reached at 50% power draw). Read some reviews of the product by unbiased reputable review sites.

You may buy a PSU based on brand name but I sure won't.

Electrical output quality is primary.

Look. I get that you may not like Corsair for whatever reason you may have, but that's no reason to run a smear campaign. I checked Corsair's website, and you are correct, it doesn't qualify for a 80 PLUS rating. However, it is cheaper, has a higher wattage, and if it's run near 50% load you can expect to see roughly 85% efficiency. As for heat, I highly doubt his ambient temperature is 30C continuously. If this is the case I hope OP will tell us so we can be more helpful to him. Being inside a computer should have little effect on the PSUs temperature, as they have their own dedicated fans. You would have to have some major airflow problems to begin with if your PSU is overheating.

I don't have anything against Corsair. I use an HX750 PSU in my own system. I also use Vengeance DDR3 RAM and Corsair SSD's in my system.

I just don't care for the quality of the VS and CX series.

I recommend the Seasonic S12II 620 because it has tighter voltage regulation and is much more efficient at low and very low power draw levels. Use of higher quality components and better circuit design actually matter.

I'll trust my formal Electrical Engineering training over any marketing hype any day.
I'm glad your formal EE training can be of use to you, but that's no reason to say that all my facts are based on marketing hype, you should know that's a fallacy, seeing as you went to college... I'm not trying to be better than you, prove you wrong, or mock you. I'm simply giving my opinion on the best choice for the OP's situation. Since his Idle usage will probably be from 150-200 W, I would say that we are out of the low and very low section of the PSU, and since his full load will be somewhere from 300-400, it's safe to say we probably don't need to worry about max draw problems. So yes, maybe the seasonic has tighter voltage regulation, but this isn't a SCRAM system for a Nuclear Power plant (the most finicky computers in the world...) it's a personal computer for personal use. So I'll continue to side with the save money approach, because it's a more logical decision.
The OP wouldn't have listed those two choices if they were outside of their budget range.

I would rather recommend the better quality, more reliable unit out of the two listed based on the OP's requirements. I'm pretty sure the OP wouldn't appreciate a power problem during a long rendering session. The CapXon capacitors used in the Corsair VS Series have earned a reputation for early failure.

If the graphics card is being used for GPGPU usage, like the OP intends to use it for, then its power draw is going to be a lot greater than when gaming.

About temperature. The OP most likely resides in India based on the links to the PSUs. Not everyone has air conditioning to maintain their room temperature at 20°C.

Look we're throwing the same arguments back and forth, and it's obvious neither of us intends to budge. So if it helps your ego, You win. That said, I stand by my choice, and hope that the OP makes the right decision based on his needs and the information provided to him.
thnx guys for your solutions, where i live, temperature sometime reaches 34°C specially during summertime, sometime even more than that, but normally it is about near 24°C. and as for our country's power supply stability, i doubt it is not so stable, sometime, voltage drops, as for the air flow in my pc cabinet, well it is not bad, even i run my pc for 24 hour, the inside is probably a little warmer than the out side, i said a little, not overheated. i have ac in my room, but i dont use ac.(untill temperature goes wild).

like what P1nnacle said <b>"I'll continue to side with the save money approach, because it's a more logical decision"</b>
yup thats why i ask you guys, i dont wanna spend too much on my psu, and neither wanna buy a bad psu.

That's because none of the Corsair PSUs aren't actually made by Corsair .

AX-650 – Seasonic
AX-750 – Seasonic
AX-760 – Seasonic
AX-760i – Flextronics
AX-850 – Seasonic
AX-860 – Seasonic
AX-860i – Flextronics
AX-1200 – Flextronics
AX-1200i – Flextronics

CX-400 – Seasonic
CX-430 – Channel Well(CWT)
CX-430 v2 – Channel Well(CWT)
CX-500 – Channel Well(CWT)
CX-500 v2 – Channel Well(CWT)
CX-600 – Channel Well(CWT)
CX-600 v2 – Channel Well(CWT)

Gaming Series GS600 – Channel Well(CWT)
Gaming Series GS700 – Channel Well(CWT)
Gaming Series GS800 – Channel Well(CWT)

HX-450 – Seasonic
HX-520 – Seasonic
HX-620 – Seasonic
HX-650 – Seasonic
HX-750 – Channel Well (CWT) (DSG platform)
HX-850 – Channel Well (CWT) (DSG platform)
HX-1000 – Channel Well (CWT)
HX-1050 – Channel Well (CWT)

TX-550M – Channel Well (CWT)
TX-650 – Seasonic
TX-650 v2 – Seasonic
TX-650M – Channel Well (CWT)
TX-750 – Channel Well (CWT) (PSH(older) platform)
TX-750 v2 – Seasonic
TX-750M – Channel Well (CWT)
TX-850 – Channel Well (CWT) (PSH(older) platform)
TX-850 v2 – Seasonic
TX-850M – Channel Well (CWT)
TX-950 – Channel Well (CWT) (DSG platform)

VX-450 – Seasonic
VX-550 – Channel Well (CWT) (PSH platform)

Oops - Blackbird and ko888 beat me to it. The VS series is a budget/entry level PSU, the S12 II is a much better quality unit.
Since the S12 II 620 has more than enough power for any single GPU you are considering, I'd pay the xtra rupees & get it.


I would get the Seasonic . I'm sure they will always have some aces in the sleeves . On the other hand , I had a GTX295 which is 289W TDP on a Silverstone Strider 500W together with a i5-3570K , 8 GB ram , 1 ssd + 4 x 1 TB hdds , watercooling and other accessories and I've never had a problem . A 620W Seasonic would be more than enough for a single GPU .

As for the customer service , I don't think you will need it with a Seasonic PSU . Not that Corsair are bad either , my gf got 7 years warranty for her HX650 . But that's just my opinion .
I have nothing against Corsair when it comes to memory . They were and still are top memory manufacturers . But I will reconsider any other Corsair product before buying . As an additional info , the Corsair watercooling systems are made by Coolit Systems, Asetek and AVC . The Corsair Hydro H80 is made by CoolIT Systems out of Calgary, Canada . And correct me if my logic is wrong , no other company will give them their best technology to make more money out of rebranded products . For PSUs , you can do a google search for "Tiered PSU list" , there is an updated 2013 list out there .
You logic is wrong involver. Corsair products are just as good or better than products offered under the original OEM brand. Their PSU products are top notch.

In this instance, you have one of corsairs weakest psu offerings against a product that, in my opinion, is the best PSU in its price range. The S12 II is just an outstanding unit for the money.

I agree, with the exception of the discontinued CX 400, which was s12 ii based.

The CX line as a whole is good value for the money, but I would rather spend a few extra pesos and get something a little better. The S12 II and its rebranded cousins are my starting point.