Second display or KVM


Jul 20, 2014
I have built a 2nd PC and have both stationed on my desktop. I am weighing up whether to get a cheap 2nd monitor (about 23 inch 1080p) or to get a KVM instead. Thoughts?

Here's my desktop
I can move the L/H PC onto an adjacent shelf, freeing space for the monitor, if needed.

*If I get a 2nd monitor do you suggest new or something from Amazon warehouse?

Until you need a monitor, I'd just stick with remote desktop. So far I haven't heard anything that would require a second monitor(plus keyboard and mouse).
I plan on running both systems at the same time. My current monitor is a 27 inch 1080p screen, and will be using it with my 6700k/gtx 1060 pc. The other pc is a g3258, mainly media center and other bits and bobs. Cobbled together with spare parts. Would be using both daily.