Second Patch For 'Dishonored 2' Brings More Fixes, Caps Framerate At 120fps

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Should we expect a Dishonored 2 benchmark in the near future? (Or has it been published and I missed it, maybe?)
I REALLY would like to know about CPU performance in this game. GPU benchmark is everywhere, but I need more info on the "4770k" recommendation. Is it really that CPU intensive, or was it just an absurd choice?
Been playing it and the issues are a little annoying, but love the game all the same. I am not one of those that expects perfection every time so can deal with patches.
I am considering getting the game in order to CPU benchmark it. I only have 2 cpus, and only the 4770k is the viable option, but I could try to disable hyperthreading, disable cores, and downclock it.
But I really dislike buying games at full 'just released' price, so I guess I'll have to wait until some tech-site runs some cpu benchmarks, or it goes on sale.
you mean to tell me that another unfinished game was release for pc? No way this can not be... I thought we had learned something... but I guess not. How sad.

not so much unfinished as it is broken by design, the id tech they used was objectively horrible, and if they kept the same way they handled textures (if you look at the left it stopped displaying anything to the right, forcing a real time decrypting constantly, and instead of making it run better on the cpu, they just used cuda) than the game is just unfixable.
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