I have a 128GB SSD for main drive and a WD 10EZRX-00A3KB0 as my secondary drive. Everything was going great until I decided to plug in a USB Kingwin EZ-Connect to try and connect an older hard drive. Once I connected it I got the windows error "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart." I really didn't want to deal with errors so I disconnected the USB Kingwin thing. Ever since then once I start up my computer everything runs fine on my SSD drive but if I try to read any files from my secondary drive it will freeze for about 20 seconds or so then start going again for a little while then repeat. I double checked to make sure its not a power setting in windows turning off the drive or anything. I also ran WD DataLifeguard Diagnostics extended test and it didn't show any errors. I just can't figure out why it did that to me. Anyone have any ideas?