Secondary Monitor Looks Brighter?

Kevin McCutcheon

Dec 2, 2013
I just got home with my secondary monitor, and just hooked it up and have a issue with the color/brightness.

The secondary monitor seems to be brighter and reds seem orangeish.

I checked my color settings on both monitors and also in my Nvidia Control Panel. Everything is the same.

The first monitor is about 3 months old and the secondary is brand new but both are the same model/size.

The only difference is one is using an HDMI cable from the video card and the secondary is using the supplied DVI cable that came wiht the monitor since i only have one hdmi port.

It helped slightly but the problem is def there still.

Since switching the cables to the other monitor and the colors changed I assume it is the cable I am using. Hopefully if I use 2 HDMI's It will be better!

That doesnt make sense to me seeing as when I switched cables it fixed the problem..? The HDMI cable has a better picture quality over the DVI in BOTH monitors.

I dont understand how switching between HDMI and DVI would be a difference if they are essentially the same cable just with no audio capabilities with the DVI??

The DVI cable seems to water out and over saturate the colors on BOTH monitors but the HDMI is much better natural look..?

Really? Because I have three of the same monitors, each on three different cables. One is DVI-I -> VGA Adapter, another is DVI-D, last is HDMI and I can tell the difference between each one and, even then, if I had to list them from best to worst, HDMI would be in dead last. And I'm running on IPS monitors to begin with.

What I think I'll do is just get two more DVI cables. That way they all will have the same color more or less. I suggest you do the same. Otherwise, even if for whatever reason the hdmi was better than the dvi, you'd have to get an adapter. I'm planning on running SLI so three DVI's work great for me.

The biggest problem I have with the DVI cable that I fixed with the HDMI cable is the horizontal wavy lines I get. For some reason I get them really bad on dark areas and while gaming but if I swap it out for a HDMI the lines vanish.

That's weird. You should try taking a picture of it so you can show us. Make sure you don't have too much of an outside light source to distort it too much. I'll take one too to show you of my monitor tomorrow when I'm off of work.