For videoediting purposes this thing could probably change the way most people think about on site editing. If the resolution is good enough (atleast 1680x1050) I'd say this computer could make way for a small revolution in post production.
That would be awesome with Ubuntu running multi-head but I would like a pair of 17in screens. Battery charge won't last long with both screens running but it probably only activates one screen if you don't slide them both out. I could live with lower battery duration since it's more of a portable workstation than a laptop.
I'm a draftsman and having dual screen functionality on the building site or even during a client meeting somewhere else than the shop would be fantastic. Even if I had to be plugged in every time I used it, I would gladly shell out the extra cost!
I could actually see myself using this. I'm an electrical engineer that travel all over the country and although I average upwards of 50-70 trips a year, I most often find myself taking my laptop out and parking it in a cube or on my desk at the hotel. When I'm plugging into an industrial network there are always outlets around so power isn't a problem and since I have a roller bag to house all of my tools as well as my laptop the weight doesn't matter.
It would rock to be able to put my PLC code up on one screen and my HMI code on the other. Its amazing how much faster I can work at home with two screens that way.
I'd say there are a good many professionals (engineers, drafters, video editors, etc...) out there that would find this very useful. As far as the average user goes it is definitely overkill. Personally I'd love one though.
[citation][nom]3ddraft[/nom]I'm a draftsman and having dual screen functionality on the building site or even during a client meeting somewhere else than the shop would be fantastic. Even if I had to be plugged in every time I used it, I would gladly shell out the extra cost![/citation]
You said it! But still it would not be able to replace my current setup with 5 (2x24" wide + 2x17" standard + 1X15" standard)
[citation][nom]ssalim[/nom]I don't think they understand the main purpose of laptop: compact, portable and lightweight.[/citation]
Some people want portable workstations; not necessarily laptops!
Looks awesome! This would have been nice back in school. I hated using my laptop and the lab workstations compared to my rig in my dorm mostly because of the duel screens.
Not trying to bash on ASUS, but I think this is much more practical than ASUS's dual-screen concept because it retains the tactile keyboard and both screens can be used as monitors while working.
I hope they don't come up with a 19"/20" model weighing like 20 lbs.
Well, I am a student and I cannot do without 2 monitors. Having my reading on one screen and my notes/paper on another is extremely helpful. I needed a laptop, this would be nice. However, I shudder to think of the cost.
I want one in a 17" or larger model and I don't care if I have to plug it in or not. I'd haul a car battery around if I had to just for the WoW factor.
Remember years ago with the Boom Boxes on our shoulders, now those were the days. Although I really don't miss the 8-track tapes as they were bulky and used to get eaten a lot.
This can be a double edge sword. It can increase the productivity for programmers or engineers. Or decrease it for the rest of us - watching a movie on one screen and working on another at the same time....