Review Seeed Grove Shield for Raspberry Pi Pico Review: Electronics as simple as Lego

I found this (and the starter kit) to be very interesting. However, soldering the pins onto a Pico board is likely to be a non-starter for many users, especially visually impaired ones. Also, the LEDs and LCD display in the starter kit are going to be useless to a blind user.

I posted an issue on the Seeed forum, but I'd also like to see Tom's Hardware add some coverage of these sorts of issues. Searching this site, I didn't find anything that seemed very relevant...
@Rich_Morin I'd like to discuss some related ideas with you out-of-band. I'm @rareblog on twitter, if you use that. My email is romilly dot cocking at gmail dot com
Seeed's Grove system is pretty blind-friendly, in general. The 4-wire cables generally contain all of the needed signals and power. Also, the connectors are polarized, so they can't be put in backwards.

However, soldering a set of pins onto a RasPi Pico is going to be a non-starter for many folks (especially blind ones), so I think there should be a way to get started without the need to do this.
