I have an HP desktop and about a month ago the display just won't turn on.
I gave it to an authorised HP support centre and they told me that the motherboard would have to be replaced, but they did not have a the stock available. Another place told me the same thing.
This is my current motherboard http://support.hp.com/us-en/product/HP-ENVY-Phoenix-h9-Desktop-PC-series/5330769/model/5333074/document/c03132942#N60
And this is my PC http://support.hp.com/us-en/product/HP-ENVY-Phoenix-h9-Desktop-PC-series/5330769/model/5333074/document/c03652398#AbT1
Can you guys please advice whether I should replace it with the exact same motherboard or go with a newer one? If a newer one, which one would will work with all my current hardware?
I am not very good with this stuff thats why I need help.
Please let me know if you require any other information that could help.
I have an HP desktop and about a month ago the display just won't turn on.
I gave it to an authorised HP support centre and they told me that the motherboard would have to be replaced, but they did not have a the stock available. Another place told me the same thing.
This is my current motherboard http://support.hp.com/us-en/product/HP-ENVY-Phoenix-h9-Desktop-PC-series/5330769/model/5333074/document/c03132942#N60
And this is my PC http://support.hp.com/us-en/product/HP-ENVY-Phoenix-h9-Desktop-PC-series/5330769/model/5333074/document/c03652398#AbT1
Can you guys please advice whether I should replace it with the exact same motherboard or go with a newer one? If a newer one, which one would will work with all my current hardware?
I am not very good with this stuff thats why I need help.
Please let me know if you require any other information that could help.