Seeking professional and detailed help


Mar 31, 2011
I recently got the "windows vista security 2011" virus and i had no choice but to delete my hard drive. I did not save any windows programs onto a cd/floppy disk and I am NOT a computer whizz. I have the newer version of a laptop where the files are already installed. After the 12hr toshiba recovery wizard, I got rid of ALL of my hard drive, and now all I get when I turn my computer
On is "operrating system not found". How can I redownload all the windows vista files so it runs normally to the point where i can log in, open up firefox and browse the web

Thank you
Any idea of where/how i can obtain it? I got it as a special package and it only came with a charger, manual and laptop. Nothing else
OEMs no longer supply recovery media... they leave it up to the end user to create the discs as part of setting up the computer. Keep this in mind when purchasing a new brand-name computer. Most people ignore the reminders to create the discs and end up regretting it.