So, I have this desktop I built 2 years ago. While I probably won't be upgrading within the next few months, I'm curious about your thoughts for upgrading today. Here's my system as of now.
* Gigabyte 8AENXP-D Motherboard
* Pentium 4 640 3.2 Ghz Processor
* 3.00 RAM (2x 1GB, 2x 512MB | 533 Mhz)
* nVidia Geforce 6800GT Based Video Card w/ 256MB RAM
* 5x Hitachi Hard Drives (2x 80GB, 2x 250GB, 1x 250GB eSATA)
* 2x Plextor PX-716SA DVD Burners
* ThermalTake Kandalf Case
* Corsair COOL Water Cooling System
* ThermalTake PurePower 500W Power Supply
Here's my thoughts right now...
* I think the only things I'd have to upgrade would be my motherboard and processor. That said, see below.
* I don't think my drives are SATA II. I know the benefits of SATA II over SATA I are pretty minimal, even though statistically speaking, it should be twice as fast. I do a lot of video editing, audio recording, and other high production work. I currently have this setup in two sets of RAID0. While I want SATA II in a future board, I don't think I will upgrade the drives immediately.
* I'd like to be able to use my current RAM with whatever new board I get. It's not the fastest RAM available, but it does fine for me so far.
* I think the processor is where I'm wanting to upgrade the most. 3.2Ghz is fast, but with my new 2.16Ghz Core 2 Duo IN MY LAPTOP, it's clearly the superior processor. I've already noticed the dual-core advantage especially with the amount of multitasking and production I do.
* In a motherboard, I would like to have the following: At least 4 SATA ports. I know with SATA II, I can use expander modules. This current board has 8 ports on two controllers. Keep in mind I have 7 drives to hook up. 2x Ethernet ports. Plenty of USB and Firewire (A & B). SLI support isn't necessary. I don't play games often, but when I do, my current laptop is doing just fine. Integrated (or bundled) wireless and bluetooth would be a plus, but neither necessary. [/list]
* I could use this same video card. I may upgrade it down the road, but it's a good card.
Soo, spit out your motherboard and processor recommendations.. and any other thoughts you have!
* Gigabyte 8AENXP-D Motherboard
* Pentium 4 640 3.2 Ghz Processor
* 3.00 RAM (2x 1GB, 2x 512MB | 533 Mhz)
* nVidia Geforce 6800GT Based Video Card w/ 256MB RAM
* 5x Hitachi Hard Drives (2x 80GB, 2x 250GB, 1x 250GB eSATA)
* 2x Plextor PX-716SA DVD Burners
* ThermalTake Kandalf Case
* Corsair COOL Water Cooling System
* ThermalTake PurePower 500W Power Supply
Here's my thoughts right now...
* I think the only things I'd have to upgrade would be my motherboard and processor. That said, see below.
* I don't think my drives are SATA II. I know the benefits of SATA II over SATA I are pretty minimal, even though statistically speaking, it should be twice as fast. I do a lot of video editing, audio recording, and other high production work. I currently have this setup in two sets of RAID0. While I want SATA II in a future board, I don't think I will upgrade the drives immediately.
* I'd like to be able to use my current RAM with whatever new board I get. It's not the fastest RAM available, but it does fine for me so far.
* I think the processor is where I'm wanting to upgrade the most. 3.2Ghz is fast, but with my new 2.16Ghz Core 2 Duo IN MY LAPTOP, it's clearly the superior processor. I've already noticed the dual-core advantage especially with the amount of multitasking and production I do.
* In a motherboard, I would like to have the following: At least 4 SATA ports. I know with SATA II, I can use expander modules. This current board has 8 ports on two controllers. Keep in mind I have 7 drives to hook up. 2x Ethernet ports. Plenty of USB and Firewire (A & B). SLI support isn't necessary. I don't play games often, but when I do, my current laptop is doing just fine. Integrated (or bundled) wireless and bluetooth would be a plus, but neither necessary. [/list]
* I could use this same video card. I may upgrade it down the road, but it's a good card.
Soo, spit out your motherboard and processor recommendations.. and any other thoughts you have!