Sega Talks on Total War MMO, 3D

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I would love a Total War MMO (having played Medieval 1, Rome, Medieval 2, and Empire, and the expansions). I just have trouble believing it could be do-able, especially considering you need a beast to run the gamse on single player, let alone multiplayer. Creative Assembly needs to focus on making less buggy TW games, not MMOs.
True that. The Total War games have been declining in quality IMO...

Btw, for the lovers of Rome:TW, Europa Barbarorum is the greatest mod ever created for RTW, possible the greatest RTS mod ever created.
Which is why the most exciting thing for me coming up in Total War is EBII on the Medieval II engine. And as to an MMO, NO! Quality is declining because they are trying to do too complex of things. Go back to the basics (melee) like a Rome II or Shogun II PLEASE.
I would love to see a total war MMO. Although I'm not sure how it would work? Each player commanding their own army or unit? Or each unit working together as individual players.
[citation][nom]EXT64[/nom]Which is why the most exciting thing for me coming up in Total War is EBII on the Medieval II engine. And as to an MMO, NO! Quality is declining because they are trying to do too complex of things. Go back to the basics (melee) like a Rome II or Shogun II PLEASE.[/citation]
No, quality is declining because they rush games out, instead of releasing them when they are finished.

And no, Europa Barbarorum isn't the best mod because it's so painfully slow. You hit end turn and then you have time to drink some beers until you can play again.

On topic: They barely made campaign map multiplayer, and now they think of MMO? I don't see this happening.
Opps, was meaning to say I enjoyed both MTW and MTW 2 and play both actively in my downtime. Good game series and would be interesting to see how it panned out if they took it towards the MMO direction.
Thousands of soldiers charge towards each other; smoke billows across the battlefield while cannon shears huge gaps into the oncoming forces. A line of French sharpshooters is trampled into oblivion by light English cavalry. "Plus 10 XP" the game announces. A chat window pops up. "You like much CHEAP GOLD? CHEAP AND FAST GOLD for you." In the other corner another chat window emerges. "Dude yur a noob stop wallhacking with yur OP Eng. light Cav! I'm submitting a report of yur exploit to the devs and yur getting so banned."

Total War MMO? Can't wait.
My vote on this is that SEGA needs to play the wait and see card. Either with taking Total War into the MMO territory (because until Empire, most of the install base hadn't been all that internet or micro-transaction savvy) or going the 3D route with any of their titles / franchises. Let's get the games right first is the best move they can make.

With Total War, I'd like to see more of a community toolkit come first with Facebook implementation, a more consolidated forum that's not spread between third and first party sites, etc. Once that's been established and the game franchises are all linked again, moving into an MMO environment would be easier and far more viable.

As for going into 3D territory, until SEGA is solid on making quality games (and this year's line has been very solid and fun so far) consistently, it's not something they should try investing money in. Hopefully, to that end, they'll follow their own advise...
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