Selecting zotac geforce gtx 650 ti 2GB gddr5 gpu for 720p Monitor.Worth?


Oct 14, 2011
first of all i know there is almost no deference between 1gb and 2 gb unless your resolution is high,1080p.

but I am going to play max.720p resolution,with all settings to high including anti aliasing and visual settings.

Does 1gb is capable to play @ high settings with AA.(considering all 2014 Games).
if yes then I'll go for 1Gb.
so what would you suggest me??

Have you considered a GTX 650 Ti Boost?

It's a solid card, with great performance and you can add in SLI (two cards put together)

For extra performance once the card starts slowing down.

PS4 you mean. but i don't think 650ti has enough power to utilize the 2gb rather suggest a 650 ti boost edition.
Have you considered a GTX 650 Ti Boost?

It's a solid card, with great performance and you can add in SLI (two cards put together)

For extra performance once the card starts slowing down.

Agreed. Its a very good card at a very good price.
GO for the 1gb version which is capable of SLI then buy two cards when you get a 1080p monitor....!!...make sure you have a VGA to HDMI cable because most of the 720p monitors dont have HDMI ports and the GPU has only the HDMI port and no VGA..!!
u are right and even crysis 2 works like a charm on 1080p. i don't think it will create much of a problem. but i have just downloaded the new batman arkham origins and it does not have any problem when maxed out