Self made Media Remote?

Elias Van Loon

Dec 28, 2016
Is there some kind of remote i can make/solder togheter that will allow me to push one button and start my pc and xbox one/xbox 360 and tv? And yes i know you can just buy logitech media remote's but those are trash!
I reread your post and i think i understand better.

You want all the devices to turn on at the same time.

They all use momentary switches to turn on. You could wire them all up the same momentary switch without a problem.

Without a problem i mean it would work. Getting access to and extending the wires coming from some devices may prove very difficult. I don't know anything about xbox internals, but i imagine it is something a bit more difficult than the PCs easy to access power pin outs.

This could get complicated if you want to build your own device to put between the appliances and the wall socket. You would require power circuitry (PMIC's and/or regulators to supply power to subcomponents) and a low power microcontroller (PIC/AVR will do) that is interfaced with an IR receiver/controller on I/O pins (you could use SPI or I2C protocol to interface). You will need to write a C code to initialize your microcontroller and the I/O ports on it that you need.

It will sort of work like this

1. You will have a remote or an APP and IR transmitter on your phone that can send out IR signals of your desired frequency (whatever frequency your design is scanning for pulses on).
2. Once the IR module hooked to your microcontroller will detect the IR pulse it will send an acknowledgement signal (a 1 or a 0) on one of the micro's input pins, the micro will then set a signal on an output pin (a 1 or a 0) which would switch on a relay/tap to send power through (be very careful with the max voltage and current ratings on this part).

If you want to build it yourself, it can be done - but you will need quite a bit of knowledge about electronics.

Apparently, this device very low range and the batteries drain in a day, but it is cheap and will save your from the hassle of designing and testing on yourself.

I mentioned it is a complicated (but robust) solution to implement for someone who is not very well versed in electronics. Perhaps a friend can help you out

I do believe the relays will have to be continuous vs momentary (functioning via enable signals from the micro), maybe I am drafting it a different way in my head.
Thankyou all for the anwsers they were all very helpfull! So since i asked you some question's it's only fair the i answers yours.

Am i good with electronics? Well, i have a soldering iron but i never really soldered much in my life but i did built my own pc with some custom parts, however i'm not very familiar with typical gadget terms mentioned in this post but i'm willing to always learn about electronics. :) = Good gadget, But what about those batteries? Can't i just solder in a power cable and have it connected to a powers suply all the time?

Will i be able to solder something? I think with a little practice i would be more then capable and my neighbour can even teach me if i want!

I just have one more request, when you give me links can you please give ebay links instead of amazon links? Because i live in Europe 😛

Yes, but you will need multiple channels

Perhaps something like this:

Im sure you could solder something to the power supply to make it work all the time via AC supply, but I wouldnt do that simply because it appears to be a bad design. Bad for electricity bill and electrical components always being under stress.

ok i'd see that working. So this might be a stupid questions but let's say i order that then how would i actually connect it to my xbox,pc and monitors?

Your mains would plug into where it says VCC/GND on the red PCB (the 2 pin connector).

The 4 outs will be used to send power to your devices.

If they do not supply a mains cable with the product then you MUST ensure to use a high gauge wire that can withstand the amount of power you are transferring,

You may need to strip the connector plugs from your devices or use an extension cable if you do not want to strip the original cables of your appliances.