Sell Custom Gaming Rig


Jan 19, 2016
Hey guys, Im looking to sell my gaming pc that I finished building the Christmas of 2014. I didnt want to part it out or sell on ebay because of the ridiculous fees. Its got some pretty high end components. However, posting it on local buy and sell websites has generated ALOT of views. Just no offers. The local ad is available here:
I believe what im asking is reasonable considering I'll probably get offers around $2400. If anyone is interested or has a better suggestion for selling it, Im all ears.
Brand new, that system would come in at around $2700.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($439.05 @ Vuugo)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H105 73.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($137.48 @ DirectCanada)
Motherboard: MSI Z97I AC Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard ($308.42 @ Amazon Canada)
Memory: Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($163.98 @ Newegg Canada)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 500GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($207.05 @ Vuugo)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($68.75 @ Vuugo)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 980 4GB STRIX Video Card ($669.98 @ Canada Computers)
Case: BitFenix Prodigy (Red) Mini ITX Tower Case ($39.88 @ Canada Computers)
Power Supply: Corsair CSM 750W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($153.46 @ DirectCanada)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OEM (64-bit) ($189.99 @ Canada Computers)
Keyboard: Corsair K70 Wired Gaming Keyboard ($144.99 @ Canada Computers)
Mouse: Logitech G402 Wired Optical Mouse ($58.98 @ DirectCanada)
Other: Lamptron FC5-V2 ($61.24)
Total: $2643.25
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-01-19 15:12 EST-0500

Given that it's over a year old, you should probably knock off about 30% (20% used + addition 5% for each 6 months used), which knocks it down to around $1890. You'd probably have better luck asking around $2000 and if someone came with an offer around $1850, I'd probably take it.

-Wolf sends
All of it in fact came in around $3400 new. You forgot the led strips $30x2, the New Backup H75 unit $80, and the new panels totaling to about $80. There were other little bits like the xbox controller w/charger and webcam. Total, the system came in around $3300-3400. -30% equals out to about 2350. I feel that my price is just fine where it is :)
(aside, I'm sure other opinions differ, but I'd look at that K version CPU and the liquid cooling and assume you'd spiked voltage and OC'd the snot out of it. The price for me would be lower than the ones above just out of fear. Sort of like used AMD high end video cards when bitcoin mining was in vogue or any honda civic motor set up for NO2.)
Normally I'd say you'd be lucky to get back 50% of what you put into it. Where this rig differs though is for the most part you have high-end components that hold their value reasonably well.

The problems I see are:
1. Your PSU - you went top of the line for most components (at the time) and then cheaped out on a 'meh' PSU at best.
2. An used OC'd PSU is something to tread carefully with. Personally I'd never buy one unless I knew the prior owner & their OC'ing ability.
3. Your listing includes an H75 "if the H105 fails". I see where you were going with that, but it's not going to read to a buyer as you intend. It's going to read as if the buyer should expect a liquid cooler to fail........and nobody wants to deal with that.

Ultimately, you're listing a rig to appeal to a market who, if they wanted those components should be capable of building it themselves. It's unfortunate, but unless you strike it really lucky, you'll be lucky to sell it locally for $1,500 - let alone $2,400.

The MemEx warranty element adds some value, but not the amount you hope it will, I'm sure.

eBay (despite their fees) would likely be your best bet. Have any buyer responsible for the shipping cost, and suck up eBay's fees - you'll still walk away with a better price than Kijiji.

Either that, or part it out. That specific GPU is still $740 new at MemEx - I assume the warranty you listed is their in-store replacement? That;s worth maybe $50 with another year+ to go. So your GPU alone, you'd maybe hope to recoup in the $600 range. If you were in Calgary, I'd be sorely tempted at that price.

It'll take time, but parting it out would give you the best chance of recouping as much as you can.
The max I ever attempted to OC it was 4.6GHz @ 1.330V. However I only went that high to test as I was worried about decreasing the life of the hardware.
As for the case of the H75, people who do their research on buying a computer should know that water coolers don't last forever. I know I would feel better buying it knowing there was a backup cooler. Also, I reeeeeally didnt want to part out as I'm pretty sure I'd end up with a bunch of unwanted parts at the end. I know my price is a little on the high side, I'm expecting low offers. But nothing around $1500 :/
Just giving you my opinion. I hope you what you're asking for it, but I'm not confident.

The water cooler, of course won't last forever. Nobody wants to think about a water cooler dying though, and you're drawing attention to it. Simple marketing there.

Parting it out definitely runs the risk of being left with components, but you'd get your best return that way. Look at your Kijiji ad, you're left with a rig you can't sell (fir what you're asking for it). Parting out & risking parts leftover seems like a calculated risk to me.

As far as your OC, in the nicest possible way - your potential buyer has no reason to trust what you say there. I don't doubt you here, but there's no way for a potential buyer to validate what you claim - hence the $1,500 sell price.
You're completely right on the topic of the OC. Parting out still doesn't seem like an option.. So maybe sell the tower by itself for $1700-1800 and sell the extras separate, if that sounds better? What do you think?