Normally I'd say you'd be lucky to get back 50% of what you put into it. Where this rig differs though is for the most part you have high-end components that hold their value reasonably well.
The problems I see are:
1. Your PSU - you went top of the line for most components (at the time) and then cheaped out on a 'meh' PSU at best.
2. An used OC'd PSU is something to tread carefully with. Personally I'd never buy one unless I knew the prior owner & their OC'ing ability.
3. Your listing includes an H75 "if the H105 fails". I see where you were going with that, but it's not going to read to a buyer as you intend. It's going to read as if the buyer should expect a liquid cooler to fail........and nobody wants to deal with that.
Ultimately, you're listing a rig to appeal to a market who, if they wanted those components should be capable of building it themselves. It's unfortunate, but unless you strike it really lucky, you'll be lucky to sell it locally for $1,500 - let alone $2,400.
The MemEx warranty element adds some value, but not the amount you hope it will, I'm sure.
eBay (despite their fees) would likely be your best bet. Have any buyer responsible for the shipping cost, and suck up eBay's fees - you'll still walk away with a better price than Kijiji.
Either that, or part it out. That specific GPU is still $740 new at MemEx - I assume the warranty you listed is their in-store replacement? That;s worth maybe $50 with another year+ to go. So your GPU alone, you'd maybe hope to recoup in the $600 range. If you were in Calgary, I'd be sorely tempted at that price.
It'll take time, but parting it out would give you the best chance of recouping as much as you can.