Sell GTX 970 and buy r9 280x / GTX 960?


Dec 13, 2014
I do not think I will be playing games much in 1-2 years, I do not need such a powerful graphics card that gives me over 60fps.

I am thinking of buying a GTX 960 or the slightly more expensive r9 280x .

Which one should I buy? Should I Sell 970 and buy one of these now or later?
work out what you can sell your 970 for first .......
I dont think you will make enough for this to be worth while

The GTX 960 will run on your current psu , but the 280X might not

I feel it is a waste of a gpu, especially in a while, in 1-2 years when I won't be playing much games at all.This way I can save some money.

I bought it for $485. I can sell it, buy a r9 280x and have around $100 spare probably.

By the way, can you unsolve the thread, I accidently clicked it.