Sentey ERP600w w/ FX 8350 + Rx 470?


Dec 11, 2016
Hey guys, I'm buying a FX 8350 and a Rx 470 in a couple weeks and I wanted to know if my Sentey ERP 600w will be able to handle the power consumption. In case it doesn't, wich PSU would you recommend me?

600w is plenty for that rig, the draw from the Rx470 is not particularly high, and without a lot of extras you will be FAR from capping you power consumption.
An Fx-8350 and an RX 470 combined with 2x4gb DDR3 on a run of the mill MOBO and a single HDD or SDD is only going to demand about 350w out of a supply so you have nothing to worry about. If you get an OC version of the GPU and OC your CPU you still have room to play since you are nowhere near your threshold.
Granted that is not the highest-end PSU in the world, you should still have reasonable efficiency up to about 450 watts.

So your rig will demand about 350, and you are free and clear south of 450. More than enough.
600w is plenty for that rig, the draw from the Rx470 is not particularly high, and without a lot of extras you will be FAR from capping you power consumption.
An Fx-8350 and an RX 470 combined with 2x4gb DDR3 on a run of the mill MOBO and a single HDD or SDD is only going to demand about 350w out of a supply so you have nothing to worry about. If you get an OC version of the GPU and OC your CPU you still have room to play since you are nowhere near your threshold.
Granted that is not the highest-end PSU in the world, you should still have reasonable efficiency up to about 450 watts.

So your rig will demand about 350, and you are free and clear south of 450. More than enough.
It was never about the wattage, it was about the quality. Sentey has some high quality psus, and some pretty terrible psus. I thought that was a poor model, but I took a closer look and it turns out to be a decent one. It would be fine.

Either way, there is almost certainly a better way to spend your money than buying a FX8350.
I agree, they have some iffy PSUs.

Speaking to the CPU, I know this is a contentious subject, but personally, dollar for dollar, you can't get much better. Sure you can buy a much better processor, but with a moderate OC on the 8350, you are right there running with an i5 Skylake out of the box for half the price.
I am still running an old-school AMD, praying to the Zen gods they hurry it up before I REALLY need to upgrade.
I originally thought it was a Sirtec model until I double checked.

Speaking to the CPU, I know this is a contentious subject, but personally, dollar for dollar, you can't get much better. Sure you can buy a much better processor, but with a moderate OC on the 8350, you are right there running with an i5 Skylake out of the box for half the price.

Sorry but I completely disagree with this. The FX8350 is listed at about $150USD right now. It pretty much requires a $90+ motherboard to even stay at stock clock speeds, much less overclock. Overclocking also requires an after market cooler which drives the price up even more. Meanwhile, the much cheaper i3 6100 on a $50 motherboard would outperform it in most games. The $170 i5 6400 running at 2.7ghz on a $50 motherboard would outperform it in pretty much everything. There is literally no upside to buying it now unless you already have a GOOD AM3+ motherboard and a lesser cpu and are looking to upgrade, and even then, the FX8320 is a better buy.
I see where you're coming from for sure, a lot of different configurations to take into account there. I have an i5, as well as an 8350, might have to get a test set up to see what I can come up with.

I have 3 case fans (Two 120mm and one 80mm) and one SSD and HDD and 2x4gb DDR3. So I shouldn't have any problem I think.


Wich CPU do you recommend? In the same price range (150$-200$) and, if possible, not needing a new PSU


I Would recommend the FX8350 or an i5 Skylake 6600
-here is the thing, the 8350 is a bit cheaper and with a moderate Overclock would be PRETTY similar in performance to the i5 out of the box, depending on your board. But the 8350 would be cheaper.

-I have an FX8350 on one of my Rigs, I believe the board is an M5A97

Overclocked to about 4.7 with a Gammax 400 CPU cooler and it runs like a champ.

again, a lot of different configs to take into account in that instance.

One other tid bit I would drop here if you are on the Fence about what chip to grab, there are a lot of good options out there. But keep in mind that AMD ZEN is "expected" to launch in January in the `$200 range. Might be worth waiting a couple weeks just to see what happens with that, worst case you just end up waiting and going back to the original plan.

The thing is that I'm traveling to USA for the new year and I'm going to buy other things too as they're cheaper than in my country do to taxation here, this make my budget limited. For the ZEN and Intel cpu I would need probably a more expensive motherboard.

And after buying this I'm not planning an upgrade for the next 3 o 4 years. So having an 8 cores cpu could be the best even if those 8 aren't as good as Intel ones.

Understandable, good luck with your build! Feel free to PM or hit me up if you need any help. happy to assist any way I can.
You do not need an expensive motherboard for Intel. A $50 Intel motherboard would be perfectly fine. The FX 8350 is already going on 5 years old. It is in no way future proof. The dual core i3 6100 is already outperforming it in most games. It is not going to get better all of a sudden just because it has 8 cores.
I promise I am neither an AMD hater nor an Intel fanboy. I have used AMD for every personal build I have ever built myself. The FX series were extremely competitive with Intel's 2nd generation cpus and held up pretty good against Intel's 3rd gen cpus, but Intel is on their 6th gen now and are about to release their 7th gen cpus. You just can't expect a 5 year old cpu to compete with the newest stuff.

The FX cpus do alright. They're not terrible, but there is literally zero reason to even consider a new build with one in December 2016. There is literally no upside. They SEEM like they're better for the money, but they areally not. As mentioned above, the $110 i3 6100 on a $50 motherboard will outperform the FX8350 in gaming for considerably cheaper. The cheapest i5 will outperform it in everything else no matter how high you overclock it. And while overclocking does help, it is not cheap. A properly overclocked FX 8350 will end up costing more than an Intel i5 + motherboard by the time you factor in the extra cost for a good motherboard and cpu cooler.

You also can't run a FX8350 on the cheaper AM3+ motherboards due to throttling issues.

Do yourself a favor and avoid AMD until Zen is released.

Okey. You certainly have a point there. I'm going to look for more info, but the i5 has the lead now
Remember, it doesn't HAVE to be the most expensive k model i5. The cheaper locked i5s are still great. The i5 6500 is probably the best bang for buck right now. It would require DDR4 RAM though. I wouldn't hesitate to go for a 4th Gen i5 4590 if you already have some DDR3 and want to reuse it.

If I understood correctly, the i5 4590 is locked for overlocking right? So it has no sense to buy a z97 mobo ergo I should go for the h97 (as you mentioned before)
Choosing a CPU is a pain in the neck, especially in the mid range where there are so many options. This doesn't paint a full picture of course, but there are some great insights on Passmark CPU benchmarks. A lot of irrelevant chips in the stack there, but a good tool for contrasting raw performance.