Separate graphics card for dual monitors?


Dec 5, 2013
I have a R9 270x and I'm wanting to get a second monitor but I also don't want it to affect my games so I was wondering if it was possible to get a cheap second graphics card that's probably not crossfire compatible that is strictly for the second monitor.
cheapest would be a r9 270, or you can look at the hd series, some of the r series gpu's are basically the same as some hd gpu's so you could look into them I suppose

Dang it, I thought so but I thought I would check anyways. do you know if I can crossfire with one from the r7 series or what the cheapest card that can crossfire with it?

Okay, thanks. One last thing though, you don't by any chance know of a list that has all of the crossfire partners of the 270x do you?

Never mind I found one.
You can totally run a second non-crossfire compatible card and have it running independent screens, that is how larger multiscreen setups are done, you only need them to be CF/SLI compatible if you want their powers to combine for driving a single screen. Its not really necessary though since the second screen has a very minimal impact on load for the GPU if all its doing is web browsing. Anything that wouldn't kick the GPU out of 2D mode clocks isn't going to impact your gaming performance.

If you want to though you could pick up something little like an R5 230 and use it to drive a pair of screens while you use the 270x to drive your primary monitor.

Okay, I thought I could but wasn't sure whether it would work. Also does it not matter that the r5 is 64 bit and the 270x is 256 bit or that the r5 is gddr3 memory?

Okay, thank you for the insight.

Actually, one last question, would I have to install new drivers for the other card or could they both work off the same ones since they're both ATI cards?