separate the recent contacts from the old contacts in excel sheet

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Oct 29, 2018
I have an Excel sheet with around 3500 names and contact numbers of people. This sheet was first made 2007 and now there are 3500 number in alphabetical order. How I want to separate the recent contacts from the old contacts. How can I do this?
I have an Excel sheet with around 3500 names and contact numbers of people. This sheet was first made 2007 and now there are 3500 number in alphabetical order. How I want to separate the recent contacts from the old contacts. How can I do this?

In easy way, if your Excele does not have a colum "when" the contacts where added, it is almost impossible make the difference and separate old contacts from new ones.
Agree with the above - if there are no columns related to the date of contact then sorting by date to distingush old from new is impossible unless you know or have some other criteria for doing so.

As asked by @Nigel Spike ("recent vs old"). How do you differentiate the contacts by "age"? What column or columns perhaps?

Also - take a closer look at the spreadsheet. There may be hidden columns with some sort of timestamp or date. Or the data is being pulled from some other linked spreadsheet. Perhaps even a database.
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