Question serial number from ip address


Dec 27, 2012
I have a surveillance camera dvr and I need the serial number to be able to connect it to my viewing software. The manufacturer has been no help. I know I can get a pc serial number using cmd. Is there a way to use that to view a device on the network? I believe I would have to be able to select a specific ip address in the cmd. Any idea how to do this if possible or where I could ask for help doing this? Thanks.
You are going to have to be more clear about the device you are talking about.

IP addresses are not really tied to any particular hardware device. Your router assigns them and they can change. If you for example lose power all the IP will be reissued to devices pretty much randomly based on how fast devices reboot themselves.

Serial numbers generally are some kind of sticker on the device. They are seldom related to any of the electronics themselves.

I guess if this is some special device that has some kind of speical serial number the manufacture somehow placed into say memory it might be possible. This is all going to depend on the details of the device you are talking about. It though is still highly unlikely you could ever associate that with some IP address. Again the IP addresses assigned to end devices is pretty much random.