Serious Low FPS


Jan 24, 2016
Hey guys, my fps in ALL games (ESPECIALLY GTA V) has dropped severely since I got my new graphics card (650ti) a few months ago. It was a barely used card, never overclocked, and I'm not overclocking it.
My Specs:
Mobo: MSI A88x-e45
Memory: 8GB Mushkin 2133 (running at 1866)
CPU: AMD Radeon A10-7700k (APU graphics disabled in bios)
GPU: PNY 650ti
OS: Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
Power supply: 450w
So when I first got my GPU set up and was playing with it, I could run GTA V with MSAA X2 on and AA X2 on with 50+ FPS in all areas, with drops barely below 50 in the thick city, this was just 4-5 months ago. Now I can't even run GTA V on the absolute lowest settings. And I'm talking the LOWEST settings. (Not including going to smaller screen resolution). I get maybe 60 fps in the desert areas, out of the city, but the gameplay is stuttery and my fps drops constantly. In the city I would be lucky to get above 40fps, with drops as low as 19 fps. GTA 5 isnt the only game like this. Its every game. On CSGO i get random fps drops, and for some reason 100 fps and below is lagging for me on CSGO. I will go from 170 fps to 90 out of nowhere. It is really getting
on my nerves. To show you the extent of the fps drops--On BF3 I could normally run it at ultra-high settings at 60+ FPS, even when explosions happen and all. Now I have to turn it down to medium and I still get drops alot. Another thing thats happening: When i lower the settings on my games, the FPS DOES NOT CHANGE. It stays the same, with the same drops. lowest settings on CSGO i get around the same fps as high settings. Weird right?
My CPU is NOT overclocked, NOT overheating (60-70C on full load) and when running GTA 5 my RAM usage is at about 60-80%, and CPU is at 30-50%. My RAM is not overclocked either. Motherboard is updated, GPU drivers updated, CPU updated, everything is completely updated.
Can someone please help me out?
Well... Crazy wall of text. But you have very low end hardware and what sticks out is you thinking 60-70 C is a normal CPU temp when that's basically the max temp for an AMD APU. And absolutely overheating. And you thinking a 650ti could run ultra high on BF3 which is just not a thing.

Sorry about the long text lol
It absolutely ran high-ultra settings. I ran BF3 at all high settings on a 64 player server completely fine. My friend who had the 650ti before me ran it at high-ultra settings. I looked up my CPU temps on the internet and I read that my temps were fine. So they are high? Should I buy an aftermarket cooler? I mean yeah I have generally low-end hardware but it doesn't change the fact that my fps in games has dropped. I'm not really looking to upgrade hardware right now, but I just checked for viruses and I have none. Could it be that my hardware has just started to fail in performance over time, which is normal?

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