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Warning, this post will be long, I've had this problem for two months now:
My Current Problem:
Error code: LiveKernelEvent 141
Monitor goes black, computer becomes unresponsive, but PC lights are still on. Audio *used* to be affected (buzzing, lagging loops). A trip to Microcenter did not fix the problem, but it did eliminate the looping. These events happen *extremely* sporadically (it could happen five minutes after boot up, or four hours, and it happens regardless if I'm playing a game or if I'm browsing the internet).
Important: Crashing can happen the exact moment when I click my mouse on something (whether it be a link to a webpage or a menu button in a game). This correspondence doesn't happen 100%, but it's happened quite a few time already.
When the problems started happening:
Two months ago. I unplugged my Logitech K120 from my rear IO, and the very next day, I plugged it back into the rear. Shortly after (the next day, I believe), the computer started developing problems (Note: the K120 has remained in my rear IO for about two years until that moment). I'm not sure if the keyboard could cause a problem like this.
What steps have been taken to solve the issue?:
What I did:
1) Reinstall video card drivers.
2) Upgrade to newest BIOS.
3) Check temperatures (all normal under idle and load).
4) Installed WhoCrashed, but it could not find any crash dumps.
5) Downclock GPU memory and reduce power limit by 5%
6) Attempted to rebuild and repair boot sector by using the commands bootrec.exe /fixmbr and bootrec.exe /fixboot. No luck.
What repair shops did:
1) The first repair shop I went to told me it was a driver issue, and DVI to DVI cables were causing the problem. I switched my cable to HDMI -- DVI, but the problem persisted.
2) I then went to Microcenter. The technician worked on the unit for two weeks, ran several tests (on all components, he said), backed up my boot drive and reinstalled Windows 8.1 for me. He said he *did* encounter the problem while inside Windows, and he did discover some viruses within my unit. This led him to believe that the viruses inside my computer were causing the crashes. I took the computer back home yesterday, and discovered two more crashes within 5 hours of use. I have to elaborate a little bit on this part:
a) The crashes -- this time -- are different. Audio lagging no longer exists, but everything else remains the same.
b) The first crash happened just ten minutes after my computer booted up (I wasn't even doing any web browsing, the computer was just at desktop. I did not touch a single thing on the keyboard or the mouse.
The second crash happened at the exact moment when I clicked on a button in a game. The in-game music was playing normally, but I knew the computer wasn't taking input from me anymore because I could not hear my character's footsteps while I pressed the movement keys.
Additional Information:
I think this problem has occurred in the past, but it always seemed to go away by itself. This time, the problem is not resolving.
Very important: the issue is **extremely** sporadic. Crashes can happen five times within four hours, or it can just not happen at all in an entire day.
I am extremely frustrated at this issue. I have done so much and paid so dearly already (over 200 dollars in Microcenter), but the problem just appeared out of nowhere and simply cannot go away.
Could a failing hard drive result in this problem?
Thank you so much for reading. Questions and comments are *highly* appreciated.
EDIT: I have not overclocked anything.
UPDATE: Five minutes ago, I came across another black screen, but I discovered that I am able to change the keyboard lights by pressing caps lock or num lock.
UPDATE 2: Black screens can occur in the BIOS menu.
UPDATE 3: Booting up the computer takes much longer than usual. I can expect up to 15 seconds of fan noise before the screen even detects output from the computer
Warning, this post will be long, I've had this problem for two months now:
My Current Problem:
Error code: LiveKernelEvent 141
Monitor goes black, computer becomes unresponsive, but PC lights are still on. Audio *used* to be affected (buzzing, lagging loops). A trip to Microcenter did not fix the problem, but it did eliminate the looping. These events happen *extremely* sporadically (it could happen five minutes after boot up, or four hours, and it happens regardless if I'm playing a game or if I'm browsing the internet).
Important: Crashing can happen the exact moment when I click my mouse on something (whether it be a link to a webpage or a menu button in a game). This correspondence doesn't happen 100%, but it's happened quite a few time already.
When the problems started happening:
Two months ago. I unplugged my Logitech K120 from my rear IO, and the very next day, I plugged it back into the rear. Shortly after (the next day, I believe), the computer started developing problems (Note: the K120 has remained in my rear IO for about two years until that moment). I'm not sure if the keyboard could cause a problem like this.
What steps have been taken to solve the issue?:
What I did:
1) Reinstall video card drivers.
2) Upgrade to newest BIOS.
3) Check temperatures (all normal under idle and load).
4) Installed WhoCrashed, but it could not find any crash dumps.
5) Downclock GPU memory and reduce power limit by 5%
6) Attempted to rebuild and repair boot sector by using the commands bootrec.exe /fixmbr and bootrec.exe /fixboot. No luck.
What repair shops did:
1) The first repair shop I went to told me it was a driver issue, and DVI to DVI cables were causing the problem. I switched my cable to HDMI -- DVI, but the problem persisted.
2) I then went to Microcenter. The technician worked on the unit for two weeks, ran several tests (on all components, he said), backed up my boot drive and reinstalled Windows 8.1 for me. He said he *did* encounter the problem while inside Windows, and he did discover some viruses within my unit. This led him to believe that the viruses inside my computer were causing the crashes. I took the computer back home yesterday, and discovered two more crashes within 5 hours of use. I have to elaborate a little bit on this part:
a) The crashes -- this time -- are different. Audio lagging no longer exists, but everything else remains the same.
b) The first crash happened just ten minutes after my computer booted up (I wasn't even doing any web browsing, the computer was just at desktop. I did not touch a single thing on the keyboard or the mouse.
The second crash happened at the exact moment when I clicked on a button in a game. The in-game music was playing normally, but I knew the computer wasn't taking input from me anymore because I could not hear my character's footsteps while I pressed the movement keys.
Additional Information:
I think this problem has occurred in the past, but it always seemed to go away by itself. This time, the problem is not resolving.
Very important: the issue is **extremely** sporadic. Crashes can happen five times within four hours, or it can just not happen at all in an entire day.
I am extremely frustrated at this issue. I have done so much and paid so dearly already (over 200 dollars in Microcenter), but the problem just appeared out of nowhere and simply cannot go away.
Could a failing hard drive result in this problem?
Thank you so much for reading. Questions and comments are *highly* appreciated.
EDIT: I have not overclocked anything.
UPDATE: Five minutes ago, I came across another black screen, but I discovered that I am able to change the keyboard lights by pressing caps lock or num lock.
UPDATE 2: Black screens can occur in the BIOS menu.
UPDATE 3: Booting up the computer takes much longer than usual. I can expect up to 15 seconds of fan noise before the screen even detects output from the computer