Question Set number of cores for specific applications


May 28, 2015
Is there a way to set the max number of cores a particular program (in Windows 11) can use?

I have a 6-core Ryzen and use Firefox video transcoding software which seems to utilize 100% of all 6 threads, which makes it hard to multi-task (even just browsing the web in another window or listening to music). I know in previous version of Windows (at least in Windows 7 as far as I can remember) I could set the processor affinity on a per-application basis, which would tell the system how many cores the app was allowed to use. This of course had to be set each time Windows started as I never found a way to save this option, but wanting to know if this can be done in Windows 11 Home edition as well as I don't even see the Processor Affinity option in the TAsk manager (unless it's hidden somewhere).
There are several ways to go about this.
One is to make a shortcut that will start the task with an affinity mask.

Battle Encoder Shirasé is a nice little app where you can just let it use all cores but force it to only use 90% or whatever else percentage you need leftover so you can keep using your system. It will keep applying this as long as it runs.

You can also replace the task manager with process hacker that will allow you to change affinity in the way you already know.

Also if you have a GPU that supports it look into hardware accelerated transcoding nvenc for nvidia and VCE for amd.