Setting up a website, need some help


Mar 18, 2007
My mom wants me to set up a website for her business using Joomla. I'm just getting into this kind of stuff, so I need some help. (I know this isn't really Linux related but I'd rather just ask you guys 😉 )

These are the minimum requirements needed before installation of Joomla! 1.0.12 can be successful.

* PHP 4.2.x or above -
* MySQL 3.23.x or above -
* Apache 1.3.x or above -

You must ensure that you have MySQL, XML, and Zlib functionality enabled within your PHP installation.

No clue what these are, which I should use, where to get them, and how to set them up. Any insight?

That's it for now, but I'm sure I'll have more questions when I get started. Thanks.

- Pyro
Fedora 11 and Ubuntu 9.04 both have all that and they're totally free :)

You can install, test and develop the site on any Fedora 11 and Ubuntu 9.04 installation.

When you're ready to go live go find a decent hosting company to host it.

You should look for a company that's using php 5.3.0 apache 2.2.11 and a recent version of mysql.

Good luck :)
Her hosting services are through (she went and paid for it before telling me, I just got home yesterday). So I'm just not sure if I can ignore this step and hope for the best, or what.

I noticed, their email isn't much better 🙁

Even when you log in there's not much information; I guess I'm going to have to drop them an email. I'll get back to you once they reply. Thanks so far. :)

EDIT: Found some stuff :) I don't know what info is needed so I'll just show you what there is and we can go from there :)
Well I managed to get Joomla installed, as well as get the template uploaded. I'll be editing the content as soon as she has it ready (she has to type it all out so that I know what she wants).

Still gonna need some help with just a few random things such as creating accounts, setting up the FTP, etc. It's going well though :)
Alright, so I need to get this FTP set up as soon as possible. I know that I can simply use an FTP Client such as FileZilla, but there will be multiple people using this, and I'd like for there to be a web browser version, directly on the website. The tutorials I've read only explain how to use a client, so does anybody have any info on how to use the browser method? Thanks.
After a bit of reading I've learned that on IE (I don't use it, but all them tech-illiterate folk will), there is a built-in FTP client. You just simply go


And it prompts you to log in. The only problem is I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get this working. I can't seem to find the proper directory to go to. Any insight?
This is just the same on Firefox, Mozilla and most other browsers. Just pint the browser at the FTP site you set up and logon. The directories are listed as links and files likewise. It's just like using a mirror to pull down an ISO.