Setting up Backup Storage Network at home


Feb 23, 2016
I'm looking to backup my home pc to minimize downtime for disk corruption, failure etc. Also, I'd like to be able to transfer files from PC to PC.

Second, I would to like to have drives that are basically clones of my drives that I can just plug in and be up and running.

What sort of hardware and software do I need? Do I need to have an online backup as well? Essentially if a fire or lightning were to strike it would keep me down if I didn't have a backup elsewhere.

It depends on how much you have to backup. I have 30Mbit and use cloud. I would think you would need 10Mbit or better.
If you want to protect from fire, theft, etc then you do need offsite backups. That could be a disk left at a friend/relative's house or cloud backup. Your internet UPLOAD speed will determine if cloud backup is feasible. I use amazon glacier from my cloud backups.