Setting up BIOS after CMOS Reset


Jan 23, 2018

I recently had to reset my cmos (removed and re-plugged in battery). My computer was not starting up before when I click the power button, so I did this:

On shutown, my monitor displays "VGA, DVI, No Signal" icons before the display goes completely black. is this normal?

Also, is there any other things I should watch out for on my BIOS setting that I might need to change after it reset to default?

Pleas help.

Thank you
That is normal. When you PC powers off the monitor loses connection to it and then shuts itself off. There are no signals on DVI or VGA for the monitor to detect so it turns off until there is something for it to do.

If you reset your BIOS the default settings should work fine. I would not change any BIOS settings unless you are having a problem.
That is normal. When you PC powers off the monitor loses connection to it and then shuts itself off. There are no signals on DVI or VGA for the monitor to detect so it turns off until there is something for it to do.

If you reset your BIOS the default settings should work fine. I would not change any BIOS settings unless you are having a problem.