Here's a a map of the layout of my current internal network:
I am trying to insert a linux centos7 machine to act as firewall for my internal network using iptables
one NIC going to the router, modem, internet and another going to the internal network.
when i enable things, all the wired devices can ping all other internal wired devices, but i cannot reach out to the internet.
I assume the problem lies within my iptables rules setup (yes i'm using iptables instead of firewalld as i'm slowly learning it in college atm)
I had flushed all the rules to check if that was the problem, adding just a few rules to allow internal to external traffic and still could not reach beyond the firewall from the internal network.
Any help, suggestions, guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I also want to set up the router as AP point for the wireless devices giving them internet access ONLY.
I am trying to insert a linux centos7 machine to act as firewall for my internal network using iptables
one NIC going to the router, modem, internet and another going to the internal network.
when i enable things, all the wired devices can ping all other internal wired devices, but i cannot reach out to the internet.
I assume the problem lies within my iptables rules setup (yes i'm using iptables instead of firewalld as i'm slowly learning it in college atm)
I had flushed all the rules to check if that was the problem, adding just a few rules to allow internal to external traffic and still could not reach beyond the firewall from the internal network.
Any help, suggestions, guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I also want to set up the router as AP point for the wireless devices giving them internet access ONLY.