[SOLVED] Setting up WavLink AC600

Feb 1, 2019
I am trying to setup a Wavlink AC600 and am having some issues. I am not worried about if it is setup as an AP or a repeater. My goal is to the wifi signal about 700ft from my house. I initially set it up as a repeater' and then as an AP; but each time it is as if my devices are competing between the two networks. It also seems as if (when connecting to the WavLink AP); it has trouble when it comes to graphics or images on any given website. I have a few ideas on things to try; but really want to get this figured so am looking for as many ideas to try as possible.

Thanks in advance.
The two manufacturers I listed Engenius and Ubiquiti. They both make outdoor directional AP/bridge hardware.
You can probably do a 2.4Ghz link so something like the Ubiquiti NSM2 nanostation or the Engenius ENH202.
That unit is not optimum for getting WIFI 100s of feet away. It is omnidirectional. If you have a specific location you want WIFI you should use a pair of directional access points. Since WIFI is a two way connection, even if the Wavlink can broadcast to you, your device can't broadcast back. This is why a pair of devices, creating a wireless bridge is the more reliable implementation.

I understand. The issue is I am trying to get wifi out on my dock (which will not have power for a about 6 more months) from my house so will be able to stream music, etc...

You may have to implement a solar cell & battery setup. Engenius and Unify devices can both work with 12VDC.
You need a pair of directional devices to make a reliable link.

OK I appreciate the information any specific device you would recommend?