Setup Airport Express on a Separate Network


Jun 27, 2016
The company I work for recently purchased an airport express. They want the network from the Airport Express separate from the internal LAN network. Basically, none of the networks should have access to each other and the Airport Express should be a different subnet than the LAN.

I set the configuration to Bridge Mode in the Airport Utility to bypass the DHCP and made sure I updated the settings. However when I do an ipconfig, I still notice the wireless network is in the same subnet as our LAN.

What's the best way to go about this? Is this even possible with the Airport Express?

It is not the airport express causing your issue I suspect. You need a router that can support mulitple subnets. Even if you were to assign it a different subnet when you connected it to you main router the wan port would still be on your main subnet and allow them access. It would only be a separate network in appearance you still would sorta have a single network.

So lets say you could assign subnet 1 to lan port 1-3 on your router and subnet 2 to port 4 you could then plug the airport express into that port and it would be kept separate. Well mostly the router would still have to have some kind of firewall rules to prevent traffic from going between the subnets.

It is not the airport express causing your issue I suspect. You need a router that can support mulitple subnets. Even if you were to assign it a different subnet when you connected it to you main router the wan port would still be on your main subnet and allow them access. It would only be a separate network in appearance you still would sorta have a single network.

So lets say you could assign subnet 1 to lan port 1-3 on your router and subnet 2 to port 4 you could then plug the airport express into that port and it would be kept separate. Well mostly the router would still have to have some kind of firewall rules to prevent traffic from going between the subnets.
