Setup Primary e Repeater Routers


Mar 15, 2014
I was configured two wireless routers, one as a primary, connected to internet, and other as repeater.

About Primary (Belkin Surf N300 - Model F9K1002)
LAN IP: [removed]
SSID: Wireless01
Encryption Type: WPA2-PSK
PSK: [removed]

About Repeater (SMC Barricade N - Model SMCWBR14S-N2)
LAN IP: [removed]
Encryption Type: WPA2-PSK
PSK: [removed]

In the Repeater I was disabled the DHCP Server and enabled WDS and connected to Primary router (Wireless01).

The Primary router is connected to cable modem of my cable internet provider. The wireless connection of primary router with my computer work perfectly with internet.

The wireless connection to Repeater work without internet.

What is wrong in my configuration? Can anybody tell me!

Here is web interface settings:

for Primary router -

for repeater -

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There are some variations in repeaters but the vast majority require that the SSID match. The only ones I have seen where it can not match is where the repeater has a separate radio to talk to the main router and talk to the end users. It is basically a client-bridge cabled to a AP in a single box. These are very rare but work much better if you can find them.

In many cases you must configure the main router to allow the repeater to connect. This is a security violation in a way since you are trusting another device to authenticate other users. This tends to be why you must allow it explicitly.

WDS is very non standard since the 802.11 standard did not spell exactly how these fields are to be used.