Sever performance issues on web browsers

May 22, 2018
I just recently built a decent Ryzen 5 system and i've been noticing some severe performance issues on my web browser (chrome usually, altough switching to edge or firefox made no difference). Everything else is running fine, not hardware issues either, but video playback is laggy, scrolling is too, pages load forever and the browser ocasionally freezes.
Until this morning where all browsers just keept crashing on me. Turning off Hardware acceleration in chrome didnt help. And then i found the video below, the final step in it seemed to finally have fixed it, but now barely 8 hours later, the performance is already dropping again. Task manager looks normal too (i have 16gb of ram so that wont be the issue), except that the Ethernet keeps spiking up and down, but i dont know if that's just normal when it tries to access data. I thought maybe the wall plug cable (antenna?) on my modem was bad since i've had it for a while and just replaced all ethernet cables, but all other devices work fine. My connection is also a good one, i dont have like "****** internet". It is a legit and clean installation of windows.
I recently changed my router DNS setting to Cloudflare's service as additional information.

I use Avast premier antivirus, could that be it? Sounds far fetched for such severe issues to me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated since it is very annoying and impacts my workflow.

In apartment buildings, dorms, or even homes with rented rooms there is usually a central location from which incoming services (cable, telephone, electrical) are distributed.

Most likely to be found in a small utility area along with water and gas lines as applicable. Again, most likely secured (and should be) from tenant gaining access.

Where: basements or first floor. Garage area perhaps.... Laundry room area if there is a laundry room.

If the problems continue then you will need to work with and coordinate with the landlord or building manager to allow a technician access to the utility area in order to check the connections between the central point and your living area.

As for "netsh" - just to provide some help with those...
There may be some merit to "changing the modem". Even if new, there could be some defect.

However, make some efforts to narrow down and eliminate other possible reasons. E.g.:

Take a look at the router's logs (if available and enabled).

Take a look at the Event Viewer logs. Very likely to be some error codes or warning log entries just before or at the time of the lags.

Run the Resource Monitor. And even Performance Monitor.

You may discover some faulty app, service, process running in the background: trying to do an update, a backup, or connect to a non-existent network device....

You are looking for some resource bottleneck that starts building or growing the more you work or play. Okay until some threshold is hit and performance (video) drops.

You mentioned swapping Ethernet cables - good. Check the applicable ports, wall outlets, patch panel ports as well.

Reinstall the browsers. Load and test one at a time. Keep an eye on things via Task Manager and Resource Monitor.

Be methodical, keep notes and watch everything.
I went ahead and picked up a new modem, also increased my Up and downloads form 10 and 100 too 25 and 250 (which i wanted to do anyway) and it feels a little better now, but it's still verry choppy at times.
The guy at the isp store told me that his logs looked completely normal.
My resources are doing well, except for the network which is spicking up and down.
In the event viewer DistributedCOM seems to be whats returning most errors, whatever that is. Also a few from service control manager otherwise just singular errors.

I'll have to try the rest tomorrow, gotta head to work soon.

EDIT: just remembered that i installed Intel Lan Guard together with my mobo drivers, since it has a Languard chip on it. Is this driver known to cause issues?
Not familiar with the Intel Languard chip.

Did some quick research but did not note anything specific.

The following link indicates known problems:

May or may not be specific to your system and environment. However, a more customized search based on what you know and have may turn something up.

And do take a few minutes to "walk" or trace your incoming ISP connections and network wiring. Look for loose plugs, damaged cables, unterminated connections, and so forth.

Your ISP connection may be just fine at the time the ISP runs their test. Then the wind blows, or it rains, or gets hotter outside (any "something") and all goes bad again.

Okay, got a new modem, changed out every cable from the wall plug to the modem and the modem to the pc with brand new ones (again). Everything here is wired and connected the right way, but i'm assuming you mean i my house or apartement block in my case. Where would i find those, and am i even allowed to go there?
TCP seemed to skyrocket on Performance monitor everytime it lagged. Still only receiving errors from distributedcom though, a quick google search suggests that it's nothing to worry about.
Did some more googling about reseting ip and tcp and found this command: netsh int ip reset resettcpip.txt ran it and rebooted and now it's working (for now), but that's just a variation of what i already did with the cmd so i'm not expecting it to last.

Also found this:

Method 3: Reconfigure TCP/IP

To do this, follow these steps:

Run Command Prompt as Administrator.

Run these following commands:

netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled

but i'm saving that for when it gets worse again since i dont know what it does.
Worst case, i'll have to run that command and restart twice a day, great.

(Have to say, it's pretty insane watching a youtube video without a single dropped frame right now, sad it's not gonna last.)
In apartment buildings, dorms, or even homes with rented rooms there is usually a central location from which incoming services (cable, telephone, electrical) are distributed.

Most likely to be found in a small utility area along with water and gas lines as applicable. Again, most likely secured (and should be) from tenant gaining access.

Where: basements or first floor. Garage area perhaps.... Laundry room area if there is a laundry room.

If the problems continue then you will need to work with and coordinate with the landlord or building manager to allow a technician access to the utility area in order to check the connections between the central point and your living area.

As for "netsh" - just to provide some help with those commands are doing:

Very easy to go astray and cause problems so I do not recommend "trial and error" use.

Only apply a command, etc. if you are absolutely sure about the problem and that that "fix" is applicable.

There are other netsh tutorials available. Google if and as necessary.

Thank your for these links! I've bookmarked them for now.
I wanted to reply back earlier with an update, but since i ran that command, i havent run into any further issues. So far everything has been running fine. That said, i still dont trust it, which is why i've been waiting for it to go downhill ago the last few days.
So yeah, not much else to say for now, still not sure if what i did actually fixed it.