Several BSOD regarding RAM (i think)


Nov 6, 2013
Dear Toms!

I don't have much experience regarding computers except for gaming, so I am quite the noob. I was hoping you could help me solve this problem I have.
My components are:

Intel Core i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40 GHZ 3.70 GHz
16 GB RAM, 4 sticks.
64-bit operating system
Nvidia Geforce GTX 660 Ti.

I have had my computer less than a year and I have never opened the case or changed any hardware inside. I started with windows 7, but changed to windows 8 when I had a couple of blue screens. I have formatted my harddrives a couple of times now so I really don't think theres anything wrong with windows registry or other software programs.

Since a while back I have been getting different blue screens, both in windows 7 and windows 8. The BSoDs have been "system_service_exception", "Bad_pool_header", "IRQL_not_less_or_equal", "Memory_management", Kernel_stack_inpage_error". I have browsed through these and every one of them says that it probably is a RAM issue.

I did a memory diagnostic test (the option in windows 8) and it couldn't find any errors. I also removed one stick at a time to see which one of them had problems, and it seems like I have problems with 3 sticks as well. Not only am I getting blue screens, but I have a hard time updating windows updater (windows 7). It downloads and doesn't seem to get past a certain point in the download/install. Furthermore, there is an issue regarding winrar as well, which I also have googled up, where I get a checksum error on bigger files.

I know this is a vague explaination of the issues I may have with my comp but this is the best way I could put it from my expertise.

Thank you

I don't know the model of it, it's all covered and all I can see is a note saying "230VAC".
I haven't tried pairing the sticks yet, I will do that if I get a BSOD again. This is the last stick I am trying without and so far the windows updates have installed correctly without any issues and no new BSoD yet. I will wait and see if the problems are solved or if I still have the same problems as before. Thanks for your input. I will write back and explain how it turns out.
I have removed the last RAM and am currently running with three sticks. So far everything is working well. I managed to update all windows update files and extract the rar files that I couldn't extract before, with that stick in. So hopefully the issue was the last RAM stick. Going to wait and see though. Hopefully I won't be seing any BSoD anymore.