Several Questions about the Alienware X51


Jul 17, 2014
Ok, so over the past month, my computer has pretty much died on me. I explained this here:

After nothing worked, I decided to build my own. However, in the interest of saving some money, I'm now more interested in replacing whatever faulty parts (namely the video card) are in the current Alienware X51. Here are my questions:

1. The problem has progressed to where even when the nvidia card doesnt show up in device manager, and its just the integrated graphics, there are white lines across the screen. Does this mean that replacing the video card wont help?
2. If I do replace the video card, but that's not the problem, will it hurt the card to leave it in with whatever is causing the problem?
3. What card should I use to replace my current one, that will work with everything else in the computer (assuming they're not what's causing the problem.)

Thanks in advance.
There is always the possibility that its a virus. :/

always first rule with random crashes is virus scans and look for programs running in background of task manager that are bad.

you need to do troubleshooting individual components.

for example if you think its power supply, plug another spare one in to see if same thing happens, if so power supply is not the problem.
it could be the ram, motherboard, cpu, power supply, gpu, or software. ive seen them all.

if you want to upgrade that gpu anyway (I assume you have a 680 or something) get an amd R9 390x, or if you really want NVidia again get a 980.

both are good, but the 390x is a little faster for money and has more vram.


Thanks for replying.
Any suggestions for which GPU? It currently has a GTX 555, which is an OEM card, so I doubt I'll be able to get get another from somewhere that isn't really shady. I'm not looking for a real big step up from the 555, as it honestly ran everything I threw at it as well as I needed it too. I just need something with at least the same performance that will work with everythin else. The thing about the 390 is I'm pretty sure my computer only has 330w PSU, and from what I've read this wouldn't work with it.

an alienware with a 330W power supply? I find that hard to believe, but at that power envelope your stuck with some pretty weak cards. 750ti or a r7 370. the gtx 555 is a really weak card by todays games standards. if you play mobas or CSgo you wont notice though.

Yeah, it's a 330:
And since it's an external PSU, I'm assuming that limits my upgrade options. The 555 has always run everything I ever threw at it, though the most intensive thing I tried was probably either GTA V or Battlefield 3, both of which ran on high with no problems. So as long as the 370 can do that, it shouldn't be a problem.

I think so, as the NVidia card doesn't show up in device manager anymore, and the drivers wont install, like it's not being recognized or something, but the lines still persist.

From what Ive seen, the 370 needs 150 watts of power. Is my 330w PSU big enough to accomodate this and everything else in the computer?

Is the monitor connected to the gtx 555 or the motherboard i/o? Connect to the motherboard i/o and take the 555 out,see what happens. If there still are white lines do you have a different problem rhan just the gtx 555 being bad.


I'm not completely sure which one is the motherboard. The computer has two display pors; HDMI and VGA. The HDMI doesn't work at all, the VGA works but gives the white lines.

Ok, with the video card taken out, the hdmi works fine. I'm assuming that means I just need a new video card?

Should the measurements be exactly what the 555 had? The 370 is 10.16" x 5.2", while the 555 was 8.25 x 4.376. Is the 370 too big or is there a way to make it work?

Also, looking at the 370 many people recommend a psu of 500+. Is there any way to make sure my 330w can handle it prior to buying?
So it seems to be the gpu,yes. Don't know how long you have the pc so warranty might still apply.

According to this are the next gpu's compatibel,

Discrete Graphics (High Performance)

Supported discrete graphics cards:

NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 545 1GB GDDR5
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 555 1GB GDDR5
NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 640 1GB GDDR5
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 645 1GB GDDR5
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660 2GB GDDR5
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 670 2GB GDDR5 - Requires 330 Watts AC Adapter
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 745 4GB DDR3
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 750Ti 2GB GDDR5
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 760Ti 2GB GDDR5
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 960 2GB GDDR5 - Requires 330 Watts AC Adapter

Maximum Graphics Card Dimensions

Height: 4.736 inches
Length: 9.5 inches
Width: Dual Slot
in light of that info should the R9 370 be fine,but the one you talk about is too long,find another version.Depends on what you want to spend.The gtx 950 should do good too,makes a change of drivers not really necessary and uses abit les power.

I'm looking at the GTX 960, however there are many different versions:
I'm considering the SC 2GB, as it fits both the dimensions and the power supply, is there anything different about this version that makes it less favorable?

Also, people say that only reference cards will work in the x51, is this a reference card?

Yeah, I'll go ahead and try it. Apparently the reference cards are the only design that the fans will cool adequately with the alien ware case. Thanks for the help!!!

Maybe it has to do that reference cards are more build in a way that they dump more of their heat outside the case via the back.It's a small case so more heat within it will have an effect at the other components too.
Might try this one,
keeping an eye on newegg and measurements as well.It's a 4gb version which might not make a difference,but why not for the price.

You're welcome.:)


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