Question shadow distance problem GTA V

Feb 11, 2023
my pc specs:
ryzen 5 5600g
16gb ram dual
rtx 2060 6gb
monitor 1440x900

Hello, I have a problem that is very annoying to me personally, the thing is that a few months ago I built my pc to play, and I am very satisfied with the result, all the games are going well but I have a problem with gta v for some reason distance of the shadows is very short, even when the shadows are set to maximum, you can see in the video how a square or box is formed around my pj that follows me while I move that when the shadow is inside that square is when the shadow loads perfectly the truth is very annoying because at certain times that square is noticeable and since it does not load the distant shadows the truth is that I don't know why it happens and how to solve it, I don't know how to explain it very well either but I think that in the video you can see what I mean, especially when you see the shadows of the bars in the video, thank you, I hope you can help me.

the video:
It's still the same, maybe I'm doing something else, I'm going through the configuration so that you can look and tell me if it's ok
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<version value="27" />
<Tessellation value="3" />
<LodScale value="1.000000" />
<PedLodBias value="0.200000" />
<VehicleLodBias value="0.000000" />
<ShadowQuality value="3" />
<ReflectionQuality value="3" />
<ReflectionMSAA value="8" />
<SSAO value="2" />
<AnisotropicFiltering value="16" />
<MSAA value="0" />
<MSAAFragments value="0" />
<MSAAQuality value="0" />
<SamplingMode value="6" />
<TextureQuality value="2" />
<ParticleQuality value="2" />
<WaterQuality value="2" />
<GrassQuality value="3" />
<ShaderQuality value="2" />
<Shadow_SoftShadows value="3" />
<UltraShadows_Enabled value="true" />
<Shadow_ParticleShadows value="true" />
<Shadow_Distance value="1.000000" />
<Shadow_LongShadows value="true" />
<Shadow_SplitZStart value="1.000000" />
<Shadow_SplitZEnd value="0.999900" />
<Shadow_aircraftExpWeight value="0.990000" />
<Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck value="false" />
<Reflection_MipBlur value="true" />
<FXAA_Enabled value="true" />
<TXAA_Enabled value="false" />
<Lighting_FogVolumes value="true" />
<Shader_SSA value="true" />
<DX_Version value="2" />
<CityDensity value="1.000000" />
<PedVarietyMultiplier value="1.000000" />
<VehicleVarietyMultiplier value="1.000000" />
<PostFX value="3" />
<DoF value="true" />
<HdStreamingInFlight value="true" />
<MaxLodScale value="1.000000" />
<MotionBlurStrength value="0.000000" />
<numBytesPerReplayBlock value="9000000" />
<numReplayBlocks value="30" />
<maxSizeOfStreamingReplay value="1024" />
<maxFileStoreSize value="65536" />
<Audio3d value="false" />
<AdapterIndex value="0" />
<OutputIndex value="0" />
<ScreenWidth value="1440" />
<ScreenHeight value="900" />
<RefreshRate value="59" />
<Windowed value="0" />
<VSync value="1" />
<Stereo value="0" />
<Convergence value="0.100000" />
<Separation value="1.000000" />
<PauseOnFocusLoss value="1" />
<AspectRatio value="0" />
<VideoCardDescription>NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060</VideoCardDescription>
Try changing this cvar value to 1.90000. You currently have set it to 1.

<Shadow_Distance value="1.900000" />

This variable has been set to 3. Increase it to 5.

<Shadow_SoftShadows value="5" />
I tried and if I improve a little but you can still see and notice that disturbing square or box, especially on the grass it is quite noticeable
Yes, I have seen that square/box on the grass. It is likely a game issue, because many others have also faced this same problem with GTA 5. It has someting to do with the "Cascaded Shadow Map" game engine setting. Hard to fix this glitch.

It could also be related to these values, but I'm not fully sure.

<Shadow_SplitZStart value="1.000000" />
<Shadow_SplitZEnd value="0.999900" />
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You arn't going to fix that square, its an engine problem, and I don't care what anyone posts up, nothing will fix it, trust me, I fought this problem for years as well, 2500 hours in the game and its just a problem that will never get fixed, its going to be more noticeable in some area's than others, The only thing you can do minimize it, is to run the shadow smoothing to Nvidia PCSS, it helps, but it will still be there.

You can just make the game look like crap and turn everything down, so other stuff bugs you more than the little box that follows you lol.

Good Luck!