Shadow of Mordor benchmark GTX 970 SLI


Nov 28, 2010
I ran the benchmark on Ultra for this game. My setup is the following:

2600K at 4.2ghz
16gb Ram
GTX 970 SLI Gigabyte...oc'd to ~1450/7500

I'm running an Asus Rog Swift monitor 1440p/144hz. While running the benchmark with ultra settings I'm getting about 83 avg fps. Is this normal for my setup? I saw some people getting around 100 fps at 1440p, but they had varying cpus. Will that make a 20 fps difference?

Just wondering if anyone else with a similar setup to mine is getting these frames.


cool...I think i'm chalking it up to my cpu perhaps...people with more fps seem to have better cpu's

I did fix the frame rate limiter as well...


yeah see this is why I'm concerned...what is your cpu? I feel like i'm missing something if mine is 10 fps lower...unless my cpu is actually that big of a bottleneck

well I noticed turning off Order Independent Transparency gave me low 90s with everything on ultra...I was reading this messes with your frames if you have vsync turned on. In my case I don't have vsync turned on, but my monitor has gsync on (Asus Rog Swift) I think that is what was doing it to me....

Just word of note to anyone it seems Order Independent Transparency with mess with Gsync as well as Vsync