Question Shadowing and flickering when moving objects or moving mouse ingame


Aug 11, 2015
Hello, bascially, this has been happening i think when the fps is below 60 fps as I have the same issue in the league of legends loading screen where i can see the shadowing of the mouse when i move it. but then goes normal when i get ingame. But this problem has been more annoying recently as ive been playing new world. When I move my mouse to look around, the brightness goes slightly up causing this flickering effect, and black shadows left behind objects in game. I can fix it by turning my monitors adaptive sync off and on again, but I'd rather just fix the issue here. Ive also tried pendulum, changing the fps and again its the same, anything above 60 fps looks great, anything below looks awful and the shadowing appears.


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition.

Disk drives: make, model, capacity, how full?

Make and model mouse? Verify that the drivers are up to date. Even if so, the drivers may be corrupted and a new install required.