ShadowPlay and now i need something to edit


Jan 8, 2015
hi guys. i started using shadowplay (im impressed with how good it is, i dont want to use fraps ever again) to record some of my games and do some fun stuff for youtube. so my question is:
i need a video editor to edit my game records, something that allows me to add some meme faces, text, images , crop where i want, fuse with other parts and above all nothing hardcore because im new to this. also a free software if possible. 😀 thanks in advance
You can use a trial of Adobe Premiere Pro CC. In Australia, we can buy it in a package that also includes Photoshop. I can't really recommend any free programs as the only one I've used is Media Maker.

I definitely recommend Premiere Pro but it's a bit expensive.
The thing is that since i only plan to do the occasional edit nothing pro. So I was more interested in something open source, freware Or even freemiun if it allows me todo what I want. A payed one would be a waste of money since I will not use it that much to justify it. Unless its less than 10€. Then again a freemium where I would pay less than that and get what I want unlocked would work too. Ive been serching but I only see people recommending premium software