Short (1"/2cm) vertical rainbow lines on laptop screen, Lenovo Thinkpad T530 FHD screen


Dec 13, 2016

Few days before I bought used Thinkpad T530 laptop with FHD screen but noticed that there are vertical rainbow lines (quite a lot of them, mainly on left upper side) at some screen areas .
Lines are one pixel width and the length is approx 1 inch (2 cm).

When I move my head from left to right I see moving rainbow in the line.
When I move my head from top to bottom the rainbow line stays the same.
More: the screen (top layer of the screen) seems to have no scratches :/

I made some photos with my phone to see the problem but the quality is not good.

Any ideas what kind of problem the screen has?
Have you heard of such a problem?
Is there a way to fix that?

Any help would appreciate

Hey there,

Unfortunately, this is usually what and screen does when it's been damaged and starts to separate. One thing thing to try is to reinstall your display/graphics card drivers..

If updated drivers doesn't do it, you can try a fresh install of Windows..although I doubt that would help.

Also, this is a longshot, but try tapping the back of the monitor with your fingers behind the spots - if you are lucky, and it has started to separate - you might '"knock" it back.. it has worked once or twice for me!
I turned off my computer and in the dark screen I see some lighter lines at the same place as those rainbow lines..

One more question: what layer is cracked in the screen? LCD or some other? I guess that it cant be LCD layer as there would be squares of not working screen.

So I guess I need to replace the screen? Or is there a way to disassemble whole thing and replace some parts of it?

I turned off my computer and in the dark screen I see some lighter lines at the same place as those rainbow lines..

One more question: what layer is cracked in the screen? LCD or some other? I guess that it cant be LCD layer as there would be squares of not working screen.

So I guess I need to replace the screen? Or is there a way to disassemble whole thing and replace some parts of it?