Should Any Changes Be Made To My First Pc Build?


Jan 13, 2016
Hey guys! I'll be building my first Pc soon, but before I go and buy all the parts for it, I'd would really appreciate some feedback regarding my build. The uses for this Pc will be gaming (mostly newer games), recording and editing videos/photos (not necessarily in that order). If you do think that some of the parts need to be changed out for better ones, please keep in mind that the overall price of the build (including windows, the monitor and keyboard/mouse) needs to stay around or under $900 since that is my budget for the time being. Thanks in advance for all your help! :)

Pc Build:

ew get rid of that AMD processor it sucks. an intel i3 6100 perfroms better that that. get a i5 4590 or if you are doing overclocking get a 4690k

Whats wrong with amd processors?

in comparison to intel they are immensely under powered. you pay a little extra for intel, you get 10x performance

Alrighty! Would the 4590 be able to handle a lot of video editing and mutitasking along with good game preformace at the same time (like letting a video render in the background while playing battlefront)?

no but who would let those things run at once xD im just saying Intel is better and more cores isnt necessarily better. he said he will mostly be playing games so the 4590 is ideal for the non overclockers option

Almost every benchmark and experts say the R9 380 is superior to the 960. It gives you more raw power and performance than the 960.

I guess I should have clarified a bit more. You are right in saying that I'll be playing a lot of games, but gaming is only one of the purposes of the pc and isn't necessarily the main one.

here is a build which i made for you :

i have not included the windows 8.1 as you can buy it off of for $40
I agree with the guy who recommended the Intel processor, and the nvidia gtx 960 is a good choice if your into recording as you can use shadow play with hardly and fps loss but on the other hand the r9 380 is the better of the two or even look for a second hand r9 390 I looked on eBay yesterday and they where afew for just under £170

I searched around g2a, but no copies of windows 8 were in stock. Also, I have updated the build with the 4590 and a new motherboard

windows is available in england not us :/ damm didnt read before i sent. anyway i can give you a free windows 7 key i stole from a school computer?