Should graphics cards click when in place?


Nov 24, 2013
Like the ram. Since I'm on my first build and getting three beeps without ram and no beeps with ram, I'm thinking maybe the video card isn't correctly seated. Though, the fans on it are running fine, but it hasn't ever made a click when I've seated in the motherboard. Should it? I'm scared that if I push too hard ill break it somehow. Thanks.
No, there is no audible click when inserting a PCIe graphics card. What card, MB do you have? And do you have the PCIe power cable attached (if required)?
Yeah it's in there though it doesn't click. I'm at a loss right now, the mb beeps threa times without the ram. With the ram it doesn't beep at alll. Is there supposed to be a cord attached to the video card to the monitor. I've got VGA hooked up instead....