R rigidPillow Reputable Nov 6, 2014 7 0 4,520 Feb 17, 2017 #1 So I found what seemed like a good deal on Amazon for a 120Hz 1920x1080 monitor (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0044UHXJI) but a lot of the reviews are from 2010-2012. Should I be skeptical of buying an old model like this?
So I found what seemed like a good deal on Amazon for a 120Hz 1920x1080 monitor (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0044UHXJI) but a lot of the reviews are from 2010-2012. Should I be skeptical of buying an old model like this?
Solution L L lakimens Mar 2, 2017 Of course, you don't have the newest tech, there's a risk of it being faulty. Viewing angles, display type.. For example, most new monitors come with IPS displays, this one is TFT, doesn't mean it's bad, it's just using older technology. Have a read about display types: http://www.indiatvnews.com/business/india/updated-news-mobile-display-tft-lcd-amoled-retina-display-9076.html
Of course, you don't have the newest tech, there's a risk of it being faulty. Viewing angles, display type.. For example, most new monitors come with IPS displays, this one is TFT, doesn't mean it's bad, it's just using older technology. Have a read about display types: http://www.indiatvnews.com/business/india/updated-news-mobile-display-tft-lcd-amoled-retina-display-9076.html
popatim Titan Moderator Dec 2, 2009 39,061 1,020 136,890 Feb 18, 2017 #2 $4,332.oo plus $99 shipping is a good deal? Upvote 0 Downvote
L lakimens Honorable Jul 20, 2013 2,877 1 13,460 Feb 18, 2017 #3 If that's your idea of a good deal, you must be stupid rich. Upvote 0 Downvote
Elysian890 Commendable Nov 9, 2016 189 0 1,760 Feb 18, 2017 #4 If monitor comes with a gold bar then yes, it's a good deal Upvote 0 Downvote
R rigidPillow Reputable Nov 6, 2014 7 0 4,520 Mar 2, 2017 #5 LMAO I got it for $64.48 new, the deal has since passed. Upvote 0 Downvote
R rigidPillow Reputable Nov 6, 2014 7 0 4,520 Mar 2, 2017 #7 lakimens : $64 is okay. My question still remains, does buying an old model of a monitor have any drawbacks? Upvote 0 Downvote
lakimens : $64 is okay. My question still remains, does buying an old model of a monitor have any drawbacks?
L lakimens Honorable Jul 20, 2013 2,877 1 13,460 Mar 2, 2017 Solution #8 Of course, you don't have the newest tech, there's a risk of it being faulty. Viewing angles, display type.. For example, most new monitors come with IPS displays, this one is TFT, doesn't mean it's bad, it's just using older technology. Have a read about display types: http://www.indiatvnews.com/business/india/updated-news-mobile-display-tft-lcd-amoled-retina-display-9076.html Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Of course, you don't have the newest tech, there's a risk of it being faulty. Viewing angles, display type.. For example, most new monitors come with IPS displays, this one is TFT, doesn't mean it's bad, it's just using older technology. Have a read about display types: http://www.indiatvnews.com/business/india/updated-news-mobile-display-tft-lcd-amoled-retina-display-9076.html