Should I build a PC, or just get a Dell XPS 8900?


Mar 10, 2016
I have been needing a newer, more powerful desktop than my current build from 2008.

So I have been considering building a new desktop and selling the old one (For whatever I can get). The price of the parts came out to be rather high, though...

So I was considering, maybe I might as well just get the Dell XPS 8900? Any advice?

This is the home-build part list:

Is the quality really that different?
Are there changes you think I should make to make it cheaper? The GTX 970 video card is 50% better than the GTX 960, I heard...And the i5 6600 has a much higher turbo than the 6500, if it means anything special.

I play the Sims 3, GTA SA, but maybe I'll end up getting GTA V or end up doing more intense things in the future. I also do some video editing sometimes. And audio editing. I want it to last, for sure.

I saw on Amazon some motherboard failures in the XPS. So I am leaning towards the home-build, but it's like $200 more.

I do know how to build a PC.

I probably left out details. Let me know what I missed.

Your homebuilt list rocks. You can't get that level of quality from an OEM builder. They will cheap out somewhere and / or use proprietary stuff making upgrades later a pain or the case won't fit the new video card you want 2 years from now etc... It's always something. Nobody ever said a homebuilt is cheaper. It's your chance to have 100% control of what parts the thing is made from.
Your homebuilt list rocks. You can't get that level of quality from an OEM builder. They will cheap out somewhere and / or use proprietary stuff making upgrades later a pain or the case won't fit the new video card you want 2 years from now etc... It's always something. Nobody ever said a homebuilt is cheaper. It's your chance to have 100% control of what parts the thing is made from.

Thank you!
So you think all of the parts I selected are worth it for what I am looking for?

Hope you're still around. I was planning on buying it tonight.
Buuuut, I just saw on Amazon 67% of the reviews on the Gigabyte Motherboard were 1 starred! All of these people have bad ones that don't even work..:/ Can you please give me a recommendation in a similar price range?

The dates on the reviews were at about November to December 2015.
Any motherboard in particular?
Best not to put too much stock in user reviews. They might not know what the hell they're doing. Tech websites that have tested boards are the best reviews to go by but they mostly test medium to higher end boards. I don't know of any specific problem with any of the Z170 boards offered right now. Here's a few alternatives to consider. Make sure they have the features you want. ie...usb ports, SLI or not etc...,asus-motherboard-z170p,msi-motherboard-z170apro/

You think Asus H170 will be good for this build?
Everything else seems to be Z170.
I don't know the difference.

So for what I need specifically, the H170 should be good. Has everything I need and won't, like, fail. Right?

Thank you!
Once I actually order it I'll pick a best answer. But I really appreciate the help from both of you :) :) :)

Could I use the integrated graphics on one monitor and the graphics card on another?

Perfect, I am really excited to finally have a modern desktop for the first time in 10 years! (Ever since then the desktops I have received were already at least 3 years old.) Thanks to both of you!

I don't know if you are able to message people here, but feel free to if you want to know how it goes :)

Giving tea the best solution, since it was the most recent answer. I know, I'm indecisive. Lol.