hi all and happy new year.
actually i have the following setup :
core 6600
4 giga corsaire 6400 pro (4 giga cause waiting for vista)
p5b deluxe
8800 gtx leadtek
tagan 900 watts
western digital raptor 150 giga sata 1
i run the cpu at 3.2 at 1.39v and memory at 4 4 4 12 (rated at 5 5 5 15 1.9v) at 2.0V and its stable, never crashed since i overclocked it (weeks ago) anyway i ordered a 680 evga and another 8800 gtx (i can still cancel my order)...
but i have read on evga forums and others forum A LOT of pple who fried their no o/ced ram (looks like blue ram slots on this motherboard kill the ram ??), or just cant boot cause of instability problems with every bios of the evga, specially the last p23 final..im really worried about these issues..i dont want ruin my self in another motherboard if it doesnt work and plus kill my stuff (like the ram)..i live in france and i cant rma as easy you can, cause there is not really support center in france for evga or corsair..i ll have to call usa and its a lot expensive with phone and mails etc....well.. my question is...anyone here has the evga 680 motherboard and has no problem at all ? with the last bios ? or what bios would you recommand to me ? thanks for advance for the light you could bring to me.
actually i have the following setup :
core 6600
4 giga corsaire 6400 pro (4 giga cause waiting for vista)
p5b deluxe
8800 gtx leadtek
tagan 900 watts
western digital raptor 150 giga sata 1
i run the cpu at 3.2 at 1.39v and memory at 4 4 4 12 (rated at 5 5 5 15 1.9v) at 2.0V and its stable, never crashed since i overclocked it (weeks ago) anyway i ordered a 680 evga and another 8800 gtx (i can still cancel my order)...
but i have read on evga forums and others forum A LOT of pple who fried their no o/ced ram (looks like blue ram slots on this motherboard kill the ram ??), or just cant boot cause of instability problems with every bios of the evga, specially the last p23 final..im really worried about these issues..i dont want ruin my self in another motherboard if it doesnt work and plus kill my stuff (like the ram)..i live in france and i cant rma as easy you can, cause there is not really support center in france for evga or corsair..i ll have to call usa and its a lot expensive with phone and mails etc....well.. my question is...anyone here has the evga 680 motherboard and has no problem at all ? with the last bios ? or what bios would you recommand to me ? thanks for advance for the light you could bring to me.