Should i buy a GTX 970

Aaron Haarti

Jan 18, 2015
Atm i have a Sapphire r9 290. I could sell it tomorrow for 270 euros and than buy a gtx 970 for 350 euros. Should i sell it or just keep it. I have a fx 6300 cpu.
New AMD gpu's come out in a week. Wait and see whether any of those interest you, and if not the 970 price will hopefully drop. Also, why would you want to upgrade from a 290 to a 970? There will be minimal improvement, I say just hold on to that card for now.
New AMD gpu's come out in a week. Wait and see whether any of those interest you, and if not the 970 price will hopefully drop. Also, why would you want to upgrade from a 290 to a 970? There will be minimal improvement, I say just hold on to that card for now.

what new amd gpu's ?
Of course, they're not exactly "new" but rebrands with some tweaked performance and more RAM.

Anyway, are you playing on a 60Hz 1080p screen? If so, then there's no reason to upgrade, because the 290 can already max out any game at 1080p. Only reason to change would be if you have a noisy card and want a more silent one, or one that runs cooler / is less power hungry, and then you could change to a 970 yeah (also has more features, like the maxwell features and probably better future dx12 support).
R9 290 and gtx 970s are basically have the same performance. Both can max out 1080p games. Why upgrade to something just a little bit better for $100 more? Save up and get something really beefy if you want to upgrade.