Should I buy a new CPU

Oct 30, 2018
I was running Assassin's creed 4 black flag on my pc it runs on around 20 to 30 fps on lowest settings

MY specs;
GPU: AMD Redeon HD 7770 2GB ddr5
Ram: 6Gb
CPU: AMD Phenom 8600b triple core proccessor 2.30 Ghz
Windows 10

as far as I know this game should run nicely atleast on lowest settings

and someone told me to upgrade my CPU I need help with it should I buy a new cpu

and also I havent bought GTA V yet because I am worried if it it will run or not some advice/help will be really appreciated THANKS!

Edit: but my pc is good in multitasking runs normally when I have illustrator photoshop vegas pro google chrome and some more stuff open at same time

How about if I buy core 2 quad I dont suppose my pc to run high end games but atleast games like GTA V
A cpu on a decent mobo has a life expectancy if not messed with, in access of 20 years, easily. Out of all the components in a pc, it's the hardest to kill, longest lasting one there is. So physically, that Phenom is good for at least another 10 years.

That said, cpus can be considered dead well before their actual time for 1 reason alone. Software. It'll make a cpu about useless in less than 10 years, often after only 5 or 6. It'll simply get left behind in the dust, and this is what you face now. Back in the day, it was a superior cpu, easily keeping up with the best, able to do anything and still get excellent fps. Now, lowest settings, and only 20fps tells everything. Any other cpu in that generation, able to fit that mobo, (which by now will have serious capacitor degradation, start looking for swollen caps) is going to be roughly the same, instead of 20-30 fps, you might squeeze out 23-33 fps, basically leaving you in the same boat, after wasting a bit of cash.

Software has rendered that cpu obsolete by a goodly amount and things will only get worse in the foreseeable near future. To continue gaming, you have 2 options. Stick to games of that Era, or close, or scrap everything and build new. Even buying used (relatively new) is only a band-aid that'll hold you over for a minute or two. Sorry, but that's just the reality of electronics.

Start saving up, if you haven't already, aim for @$1000 as decent, $1400 as really good or @$700 as a minimum budget.

Can't mix Intel and amd. To move from a Phenom to a c2q would require a new motherboard to match, possibly new ram as that was the time of changeover from DDR2 to DDR3. But the c2q isn't much better than what you have now, if at all.
In theory you could get a 6 core Phenom II into your motherboard, assuming you have the AM2+ socket. Those CPUs are up to 125W TDP so your board would have to support that. The Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition you might be able to find for about $60 used, but you are going to be hitting diminishing returns. They are already faster than the Core 2 Quads, in fact the 1100T BE is equivalent to the i7-920,2810.html so in theory you might get another year or maybe 2 out of your system with that. However, a r3 or modern i5 will be faster in the long run.

How do I know What type of motherboard I have?
and also I remember when I last time saw my cpu it is not like the ones I see on Youtube
with a fan above them it is a bit different and the thing (probably fan) above it looks like it is not something to remove and replace cpu

I checked out
it says (about cpu).......Package: Socket AM2 + (940)

and it says (about mainboard) ;
Manufacturer = hewlett-Packard
model = 3029

I suppose you can tell me if It supports installation of other cpus such as core 2 quad or core i3
You have an AMD motherboard. You have to stick with an AMD CPU. Same is true if you had an Intel motherboard, you would have to stick with an Intel CPU.

It sounds like you don't have alot of cash to spend. My advice is DO NOT buying something as old and as cheap as the parts you're asking about. Be patient and save a little more money till you can get something better.

You're asking about 10 yr old Core 2 quads, I'll bet my phone is as fast as that.

You cannot put a Core 2 Quad or a Core i3 into that motherboard. Those are Intel CPUs and your motherboard is AMD.
What is the model of your HP system?

The Phenom IIs are faster than the Core 2s. Depending on the phone CPU it might be possible.
I would agree that time to upgrade your system however while I don't really fully recommend it if your really really strapped on cash and live in the us you could look at getting a refurbished i5 3XXX on ebay. You should be able to get one with Windows 10 and 8GB of ram for under $200 you could then move your GPU over (make sure you get tower) and you will be able to play GTV 5 probably on Medium/low at 1080p at at least 30+ fps. Otherwise best best bet would be to build a Ryzen/i3 8th but that will cost you probably around $300+ which is a better choice if you have the money.

yup thats because I am 16 and my I dont suppose my parents to get me a high end system but I am also not intersted in playing high end games like shadow of the tomb raider or AC Odessy or BO 4 or bf 5 or farcry 5

I want to play games like far cry 3 (that I can afford) and GTA V (Probably not high end game in 2018) and I am willing to play them on medium or low settings
I understand. I was 16 once too and didn't have money either 🙁

My advice/opinion:

1: Consider getting a console (XBOX, PS4) you will get MUCH better bang for your buck considering the low budget.

2: YOU have an OEM motherboard from HP. Upgrading it will be very limited at best. I honestly wouldn't bother.

3: What is your TOTAL budget for a tower? There are alot of knowledgeable people here that could possibly price something up for you.
I agree @16 at least for me with out a job your not going to be able to build/buy a PC that will suite your needs. Console would be a good route to go with BF and Xmas coming up probably will be easier to get your folks to purchase xbox/ps4 as they probably understand that better. While if your knowledgeable you could build/get a refreshed as I stated for $200 that would be harder to explain (even though same cost as console) and to even make sure they purchased correct reimbursed PC.

I can afford at most $225.33 (I converted my Contrys currency into USD)

as my pc isnt performing that good I can sell it as well

Im from Pakistan I would probably go to a Computer market not too far from me or I would go to or on to see some stuff online
There's tens of thousands of ppl on this site every day, granted most are just ppl like yourself looking for answers. But at any given moment there's at least several hundred members online, including a bunch of moderators and helpers, who get a certain amount of personal satisfaction from helping ppl solve their issues. And all the ppl you will see are un-paid volunteers. So yes, if you ask something, you will get help, it just might take a minute for someone to get to your post.

With a budget of Rs. 16,600 I found this at, don't know what ram you have, it might be usable, might not.

If your ram isn't transferable, I'm sure someone somewhere could find 8Gb of 1333/1600MHz DDR3.
Question from khanmirmagsi1234 : "Should I buy a Better CPU"

around 30fps sounds right. CPU would need upgraded most, but you still wouldn't see much over 30fps because the 7700 isn't a heck of a lot better.