Should i buy an ssd or hdd (in my circumstance)?


Jan 7, 2017
So the circumstance is that my harddrive seems to be causing a lot of issues, at least thats the conclusion i have made. it boots up fine and all but the disk usage is always insane and ive tried every trick online and nothing works. Not that its always 100% but its always spiking and stuff like that (CAUSING FPS DROPS WHICH IS IMPORTANT TO ME). my gpu and cpu usage seem to be fine right now and temps all fine so i assume its either memory or my hdd.

Taking that into consideration should i just add an ssd and store games on it and pray it fixes the disk usage fps stutters, or just replace my hdd with a new one and hope THAT fixes it?

What other drives do you have in this system?

This doesn't sound like a case between SSD and HDD, but rather...just a new drive.
What diagnostics have you run on this drive?

I only have 1 drive, just a regular 1tb drive, so far i have done a chkdsk scan (came back with nothing wrong apparently) and also a memory diagnostic to see if that was the issue, neither came back with anything wrong with the devices, yet im still having this issue

also will add that i can assure you, this pc is malware free


Just a chkdsk isn't really enough.
Install and run the manufacturers tool. WD, Seagate, whoever.

So i did the longest test seagate offered, and it said no errors/passed. At this point i kinda want to find an error, so then i have an excuse to buy another drive 🙁 But yeah, not sure what to do now...