Should I buy onboard wifi motherboard or wifi card?


Mar 1, 2015
i m looking for a pc system with wifi and buetooth connectivity
there are motherboards which have wifi and bluetooth connectivity
which is better wifi card or wifi mobo?
i will put my wifi router in one corner of the room
and my pc in another corner of the same room
which will be best option?
Motherboard networking, being soldered into the motherboard would not be upgradeable in a sense, but they are in fact as upgradable as any PCI based card. You upgrade a MoBo network connection that same way you upgrade a PCI based one, you buy a new PCI networking card and either move or disable the old hardware.

Wondering what proprietary connection would their be for WiFi ? it's wireless ... with perhaps a standard antenna screw on connection

2. Powerline networking oft has interference issues and offers hazards related to power surges.

3. Built in WiFi also comes with external antennae.

4. I don't see PCI versus built in as having any inherent performance advantages... those being more related to the quality of the...


May 12, 2015

I always go with wifi cards, on board generally are much more limited to bandwidths and range. You won't face the same problem with PCIE wifi. It's a good investment.
I no longer see any value in a wifi card if the MoBo im using alreday has it, there's no advantage to be gained.

However, using wifi in the same room with the router ? ... run a cable dude ! Doing WiFi when yoiu have the opportunuty is akin to using on board GFX when you have a discreet card sitting there :).
Motherboard cards may or may not be upgradable, and may also have proprietary connection in them that make it difficult (or impossible) to upgrade.

Between the two I would go for the PCI-E card.
Frankly though for the cost of a good PCI-E card that extends the antennas up above the computer (where the signal wont be as blocked), a cheaper and better option is just using a powerline Ethernet adapter.

Here is a break down of best to worst:
1) Ethernet
2) Powerline Ethernet adapter
3) PCI-E wifi card with external antennas
4) Built in wifi
5) usb wifi dongle
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Motherboard networking, being soldered into the motherboard would not be upgradeable in a sense, but they are in fact as upgradable as any PCI based card. You upgrade a MoBo network connection that same way you upgrade a PCI based one, you buy a new PCI networking card and either move or disable the old hardware.

Wondering what proprietary connection would their be for WiFi ? it's wireless ... with perhaps a standard antenna screw on connection

2. Powerline networking oft has interference issues and offers hazards related to power surges.

3. Built in WiFi also comes with external antennae.

4. I don't see PCI versus built in as having any inherent performance advantages... those being more related to the quality of the individual components. Is this $6 solution better than that found on a $400 MoBo ?

In any case, since router and PC are in the same room, ethernet cable is the obvious choice.