Should i buy the MSI 970 Gaming motherboard?


Jan 7, 2015
Hello peeps. This is my first ever thread. So my question is, should i buy the above mentioned motherboard?
I got an fx 8350 from a friend, so I need to purchase a board and I liked the MSI 970 Gaming. I will be overclocking the processor as I have a Thermalright Silver Arrow Cooler.
So yeah, should I go for this board?
Ive been offered a used Asrock 990fx Extreme4, but since there is no warranty, I dont know what to do. Im confused.
That board would be the best in 970chips motherboard ,Tier One-Class A board, MSI GAMING series motherboard use very high quality component ,6+2power phase and nice heatsink will good for overclocking.

Motherboard tier list: 970 chipset
Tier One-Class A: Very High quality. Great boards for OCing, have optional SLI capability but more importantly can OC FX 8 well, if you have to get a 970 chipset board, these will be your top choice. High quality, and no overheating issues. have a nice cooler :)

The ASRock is definitely a better board for overclocking. If the price is right and it's not that old (under 2 years) then go for it. If you weren't going to OC, I'd say go for the Gigabyte board as the value-oriented 970 chipset doesn't lend itself as well to overclocking a high-powered CPU like the 8350. It will get you by, but if the ASRock is a better deal (or free), I'd go with the 990FX.
personally, i would not shell out too much for the board. most of the time we don't even use half the features of the expensive board. of course you need to consider your needs (like oc features, layout, sata ports, etc). if you have a cheaper but decent alternative, i would go for that.

the money i will save, i can add to the gpu (if i will get a new gpu) or maybe get a good mouse or ssd, or mech keyboard. but that is just me
That board would be the best in 970chips motherboard ,Tier One-Class A board, MSI GAMING series motherboard use very high quality component ,6+2power phase and nice heatsink will good for overclocking.

Motherboard tier list: 970 chipset
Tier One-Class A: Very High quality. Great boards for OCing, have optional SLI capability but more importantly can OC FX 8 well, if you have to get a 970 chipset board, these will be your top choice. High quality, and no overheating issues. have a nice cooler :)

Didnt expect such quick replies.
I already have a GTX 970 and an SSD. As PIEapple said, MSI comes with a 6+2phase while the Asrock comes with an 8+2 phase. Whats the difference? I heard 6+2 is not good for overclocking.

But that Asrock 990fx Extreme4 is no warranty right?You will do extreme overclocking?

I will overclock it to around 4.4-4.5 Ghz

That would be easy,just a mild overclocking,just go 970 gaming would be great.

When it comes to FX CPUs, anything with the same first 2 digits in the model number (in this case 83XX) is the exact same chip except with different clock speeds and TDP. If you overclock this chip to 3.5 GHZ, it will perform the same as an 8320.Just go FX8300 would be better(lower tdp and similar performance with 8320).

The 8300 is the best one. The 8350 is the fastest "practical" AMD processor besides the 9590 which is ridiculous and a waste of money.

Slow Mode helps to defeat booting issues when overclocking at extremely high CPU frequencies. Flicking the switch will temporary decrease CPU ratio to 8x, creating stability to successfully boot to Windows.
Hi. Im back again. My boards doing well. My friend's asrock board died today(I'm glad I didnt buy it from him 😀 )
So, my friend wants to buy this
asus m5a99fx pro r2.0
How is it? He has an fx8300
Also, Is it better than my MSI 970 Gaming?

asus m5a99fx pro r2.0(8+2 power phase) overclocking performance would a little bit better than 970 Gaming ,but the audio, component quality and network lan ,970 Gaming would better .

Okie. I heard that since MSI 970 has one 16x PCIe and one 4x Pcie, it will be problem while SLI. Is it true? Planning on SLIing 2 gtx 970

Not true.The board support 16x+8x SLI ,not 16x+4x
You can check in this link