Should i buy this PSU?

Eddie K

Jun 24, 2014

And if you do eventually find out that you missed one bit of data in what you the time you find out, the rebate window is closed.
No rebate for you.

What do you mean by it never works?

As in every single person I see, that has experienced mail-in rebates, never got their rebates, and IF they did, it was not until months down the road.

Oh okay. Maybe it was because they didn't follow all the rules. I heard that if you don't follow them they don't send you the rebate. I don't mind the months waiting I guess though.


MIR 'usually' works.
However, I loathe them. With the heat of 1,000 suns, I wish for the MIR concept to go away.

A part advertised for $150. ($170- $20 MIR)
I pay them $170, in hopes that they will send me $20 back. If they do, great. If I slip up on one tiny bit of the regulations, no $20 back for me.

But if they can afford to sell it to me for $150, then do that. They are banking on the people that 1. do not send the rebate stuff in, or 2. Mess up the process a little, and/or 3. collecting the interest on that $20 x 5,000 people x 2 months.

Why should I, as a regular person, loan a billion dollar company $20 for 2 months? If they can afford to sell it to me for $150, then do that.

That makes sense. Is there a way to find out if your rebate was accepted or not though? Or you just wait to see if you get it or you don't?

Some have an online place to check the status. And maybe send you an email when they get the stuff you mailed them.
I recently bought a monitor. $155 - $20 rebate. I would have bought it without the rebate, but there it was.

Two options: $20, and wait for 2-3 months, or $18 and get it in 2 weeks ($2 fee). I chose the $2 fee.
It arrived as a prepaid Amex credit card. I bought a case of beer with it. Whee....

But overall, they sold it to me for $135. Just do that, and stop the advertising foolishness.
Why do they continue to do it? Because it works. For them, not for you.

And if you do eventually find out that you missed one bit of data in what you the time you find out, the rebate window is closed.
No rebate for you.

Thanks for all the insight. Makes me think twice when seeing a rebate now. I know it isn't exactly the answer to my question originally but it did help in making the decision not to buy it.