Should I change my GA-970A-D3 to a GA-990FXA-UD3?


Sep 1, 2013
Hello all!

First, my specs:
MOBO: GA-970A-D3
CPU: FX 6300 @4,4GHz
GPU: HD 7950 @1100MHz
Memory: 8GB (2x 4) of a simple Kingston 1333Mhz

Well, it'll be BlackFriday here in my country in 5 hours, and the price of the FX 8320 AND the R9 290x will drop 50%. I'll buy them, but I wanna know if I should change my mobo to a GA-990FXA-UD3 and also my memories sticks to 1600mhz.
Yes, it is true, Fx6300 is almost same as fx 8320 for most game, because the most games don't use more than 4 cores. You can get the 290x or gtx970 first, when you have the budget to get the intel cpu if you want, then you can use the GPU for that later.
I add some reviews;
GTX970 review
Watch Dogs for CPu/GPU
Far Cry 4
Get that R9 290x, but if I were you I wouldn't invest on a FX-8320 + mobo, while those are great products they won't yield you a significant performance increase from what you already have (at most 20% OCing), instead take a look at Intel Haswell sales and see if it's possible for you to get a i5-4670 or superior with a proper mobo for it.
Yes you need buy the new MB, if you want upgrade to fx8320, because you need the MB has more power phase for the fx8 series cpu, otherwise the MB VRMs ( power phase ) section will be overheat. Also the GA-990FXA-UD3 may still have the VRMs overheat problem ( most old version), maybe get like ASUS M5A99X EVO R2.0,ASUS M5A99FX PRO R2.0, MSI 970 Gaming AM3+ AMD 970, or GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3P AM3+.

Get it... Thanks, but the problem is: Intel are very expensive here. From what I know, there will not have discounts on it🙁
I'm happy with my 6300, but i'm having some bottlenecks in games like Crysis 3, Assassin's Creed Unity (a bad port at all), Total War Rome II. And others from "Next-Gen" are getting close to use its 100% like Watch_Dogs, Far Cry 4, The Evil Within... So, just pick the R9 290X for now, and then change CPU+Mobo? And what about the memories sticks? :??:

Thanks brother, but as RaDiKaL_ said, I would not have significantly more performance. It's kinda true, the 6300 are a 8320 with 2 cores less. You think it's a good deal, or should I hold my money to a future Haswell?
Yes, it is true, Fx6300 is almost same as fx 8320 for most game, because the most games don't use more than 4 cores. You can get the 290x or gtx970 first, when you have the budget to get the intel cpu if you want, then you can use the GPU for that later.
I add some reviews;
GTX970 review
Watch Dogs for CPu/GPU
Far Cry 4

Yeah! The GTX 970 is at the same price as R9 290X, so, i'll pick the 970. Now, next question: which CPU? I'm not an entuhsiast, but I like to play "heavy games" at ultra resoluitons 1080p@near to 60 (40+ are fine for me). An i5 4690K could handle that? And, which kind of MOBO (I don't undestand sh!t about Intel)
For games, i5 is more than enough, and when you buy the i5 4690K you are better to buy the z97 motherboard and the aftermarket cup cooler. Also it depends on where you buy the MB, if the website / store can sell the Z97 well, in other world they get the new MB most recently, then most Z97 MB will have the newer BIOS to support the i5 4690K, you don't need update, because if the Z97 has the old BIOS then it will need other compatible cpu to update the BIOS before you can use the i5 4690K.
Check the link for more info for the BIOS issue.